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The May 31, 1986, year-to-date income report was not up to expectations.
It turned out that last month's modified figures of 11.1 percent for the
month and 11.6 percent for the year, based on the later occurrence of the
Holy Days, gave a misleading comparison, and the actual figures were more
nearly correct. In May we had an increase of 7.3 percent, while the year-
, to-date stands at 5.8 percent. This is 1.2 percent below our conservative
� budget.
) On the expense side of the ledger we are in good shape. Expenses are .3
( percent below budget. The departments have done well so far this year in
staying within what has been, for most, a no-growth mode. The budget was
set this way so that needed reserves could be added during 1986. As a
result the reserves are increasing in an encouraging way.
ssibly my previous financial reports for this year, along with our
ntinually breaking old records in media response, has helped promote a
tdown in prayer and financial contributions.
You ministers will have an opportunity to encourage.the congregation this
Sabbath to be properly prepared for the Pentecost offering.
offerings do help a great deal in the overall income. So far this year
the Holy Day offerings have been ahead of regular tithes and offerings and
presently stand at a 10 percent increase over last year. It also might be
\ helpful to mention to the brethren that even a few cents added each day,
between now and the Feast, to their Feast of Tabernacles offering, would
greatly increase the overall offering.
I hope that all of you have remembered to encourage the brethren to send
in the tithe of the second tithe for the festivals, as Mr. Tkach recently
This contribution makes it possible to pay for the many
different kinds of expense related to the Holy Days, and in addition to
assist those who should be assisted to attend the Feast of Tabernacles.
Please do not forget to pray urgently for the financial needs of the
Church. When we forget, the "numbers" are not so good!
--Leroy Neff, Treasurer
"Plain Truth" Meeting
On the September cover of "The Plain Truth," we
plan to feature an article on teen pregnancy. A pregnant teenage girl,
who looks so young and vulnerable that almost anyone would think that "she
could be my daughter" is pictured on the cover. We feel this cover will
go very well on the newsstands.
In our October issue we plan to run Earl Williams's article on what the
missing element is in life.
Mr. Williams's article is interestingly
titled "What Are You Doing About That Hole in Your Head?" In October we
also plan to include Clayton Steep's article, "But Why Sex?" Since sex is
not required for reproduction among many life forms, Mr. Steep asks and