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East & West Africa
My wife and I traveled to Kenya to keep Passover, the
First Day of Unleavened Bread and the weekly Sabbath with our brethren in
Nairobi, the capital, and Kibirichia, situated at the foot of Mt. Kenya.
After preaching at morning and afternoon
attendance reached 91, we flew north for
Kibirichia. Due to the crescendo
the meeting hall caused by torrential
possibility of roads being washed out,
services be cut short.
We were able to
people attending before reluctantly leaving
services in Nairobi, where
the weekly Sabbath with the
of noise on the metal roof of
rainfall together with the
Mr. Owen Willis recommended
greet briefly each of the 72
the area.
(Submitted by Frank Brown, Regional Director)
From Australia
A renewed enthusiasm and commitment to God's Work by His
people was evident here during the Passover season. This was reflected in
the fine increase in offerings received on the two Holy Days:
percent and 14.1 percent respectively over the offerings received in 1985.
Attendance at the Passover showed a 6.9 percent increase over last year,
and on the Holy Days it was up by 3.9 percent and 1.8 percent compared to
the first and last days of Unleavened Bread
1985. Many commented that
this had been their most spiritually profitable Passover season they had
We are continuing to receive large numbers of responses to the "World
Tomorrow" program on the four WATS lines.
In late April Mr. Hulme's
program "The Middle East in Prophecy" pulled the second-highest number of
responses ever with 573 calls received. This brought the total number of
telephone and mail responses to "The World Tomorrow" during April to
1,286, up 49 percent compared to April of last year.
When compared with
April of 1984 before the WATS lines were installed, the increase is even
more dramatic--243 percent. Clearly the WATS lines are encouraging many
more people to respond to the program.
We are currently examining the
possibility of adding one or two more WATS lines to the four we already
Total incoming mail during April increased by 32.6 percent to 26,616
pieces of mail over April, 1985.
Overall income for the month was down
1.8 percent over the same month last year, due primarily to the later
mailing of the Festival letter this year. Consequently the tithe of the
second tithe received so far is lower than at the same time last year.
However, income for the year is still up on projected budget by 1.2
(Submitted by Robert Morton, Regional Director)
--Larry Salyer, Director of Church Administration
During this month the combined worldwide audit was completed and for the
first time we had combined figures for 1985. These figures are in both
local currencies and in U.S. dollar equivalents. We were encouraged to
learn that the worldwide income in dollars increased by 10. 8 percent.
This figure would have been quite a bit higher if the dollar had not
weakened so much during the year.