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The list of ministerial transfers will appear in the next issue of the
"Pastor General's Report."
From the London Office
In Nigeria, Mr. Edalere has been conducting a series of Bible
studies in Benin City for prospective members and co-workers. Already one
person has been baptized and 57 more want to be baptized!
In Nigeria two Feast sites have been found: one at Ibadan, Owo State, to
host members in the West and Mid-West, and one in Nsukka, Anambra State,
for people in the East and North Central area.
We have been able to
negotiate a deal based on 1982 prices, which will allow the members to
enjoy three meals a day instead of two!
Both sites are educational
centers that will provide very suitable facilities: One is a university
conference center, and the other a further education center.
We mentioned last month that a new Bible study is being held at Likpe Mate
in Ghana. Since our last report attendance has increased from 71 to 104
and two people have been baptized. Many more want to be baptized.
Scandinavia For y�ars the Work in Scandinavia had made little impact.
The English language "Plain Truth" was mailed to under 5,000 subscribers
in 1970, rising to 10,000 in 1979.
In 1973 a ne�sstand program was
started in Norway--and by mid-1974, 20,000 magazines were being
distributed. This tailed off to under 2,000 in 1980 when the program was
finally closed. By the end of 1983 there were still only about 12,000
postal subscribers.
Meanwhile several of the key booklets had been translated by Mr. D.
Zernichow. By the end of 1983 most of these were in print. The time
seemed right to launch a Norwegian edition of "The Plain Truth." There
was a very obvious gap in the witness going out to this part of
Israelitish Europe. While many people in Scandinavia understand English,
there is a very large minority who do not. They could not be reached
adequately through existing language editions.
Norwegian was the language of choice because it is also widely understood
by Danes and many Swedes. Swedes have more problems understanding Danish
and Danes have more problems understanding Swedish.
The launch issue of "Den Enkle Sannhet
was cover-dated February/March
1984, and coincided with the 50th anniversary issue of "The Plain Truth."
This special 52-page edition featured a special gold cover. The print run
for this first issue was 25,000. The new edition was first offered to
readers of the English language "Plain Truth" in Norway, Sweden and
Denmark. Around 1,500 accepted--approximately a 15 percent response.
In June 1985 almost two million four-color inserts were placed in quality
newspapers and magazines in Norway, Denmark and Sweden--bringing in
excellent response rates.
After renewals had taken their toll, the
combined file was brought back up to 37,000.