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With new hirings, and the approach of summer in the U.S., comes the
inevitable list of ministers being transferred to new responsibilities.
By the time you receive this, most of those affected will have been
you know, I . am very familiar with the transfer process, having moved
four times in the past six years. Whether or not you are anticipatin� a
move, the news often comes. as a shock.
Thankfully, once the initial
reaction is over, we yield to the Holy Spirit and get on with the Work.
After discussion with many others, and from personal experience, I feel
quite confident in saying that the more you put things in God's hands,
looking to Hirn in faith, the more excitement you will feel about a new
assignment, and the less trauma you and your family will face. Naturally,
there is always a certain amount of concern about the unknown. But look
at it this way: You know the most important facts about your new location!
God is there, God's people are there and God's government has determined
that you are the right person for that position of service at this time.
By the way, let me assure you we did everything possible to accommodate
special needs of those due for transfer. But the picture is very complex
and requires a spirit of cooperation and teamwork from all of you to best
serve God's people.
You also need to plan ahead to make the transfer a positive experience for
your children. Your children are going to react to and approach a move in
very much the � way you do. Most children have the flexibility and
natural curiosity to take on a move in stride IF it is seen as _a positive
and necessary action of the family.
Parents sometimes have a way of
expressing their
negative attitudes to their children, then quoting
their children's resultant negative statements as proof of hardship.
Fellow ministers, we are bond slaves to Jesus Christ and our families have
been called with us to share the stupendous blessings of God's way of
life. Have we of all Christians failed to teach our children the value of
these blessings, as well as the necessity of occasional temporary
discomfort? If we have, we need to repent and take this opportunity now
to make this move a positive experience that helps to strengthen and unify
the family. Give your children support and encouragement in facing this
As always, your closeness to God during this time is of utmost importance.
Don't let down in your prayers or in your service to your congregations.
Christ is the Head of the Church and He will work things out for you. Our
prayer in Church Administration is that you will find your new assignment
challenging and rewarding and that God will richly bless you and your
family as you give yourself in service to Him.
I want to exhort the rest of you to fervently � for those who �
moving .Q£ changing responsibilities.
A certain amount of stress is
inevitable in a transfer but God will hear us and intervene. We need to
ask Him to provide the physical needs such as housing and schools. Ask
Him to protect personal belongings in transit. And, of course, ask Hirn
for the safety of the families themselves. Finally, pray for a smooth
transition in all the congregations affected by these moves. It's never
easy for the brethren to lose a beloved minister and his family, but in a
short time they can feel the same way about the new family God has sent to
serve them.