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Tailleres, hiking in the mountains and a visit to a music box museum.
Several Swiss-German brethren also came to participate. Every night Mr.
Bernard Andrist, pastor of the Geneva and Neuchatel churches, conducted a
Bible study to complete the refreshment of the inner man.
The waiting-room program in the Quebec City church
Bob Scott, has been producing very good results.
responses have been received for a 70 percent oui
rooms contacted!
area, pastored by Mr.
So far 229 positive
from all the waiting-
According to Mr. Sam Kneller, our pastor in Paris, the average weekly
Sabbath attendance is now up to 229 persons, which is 5 percent more than
last year. The hole in the ranks created by forming the Rouen church of
those who previously attended at Paris has thus been completely filled
with new members.
Madame Jane Simonin of the Paris sub-office writes us that the harvest has
begun to come in with the Chevalet-presentoir program (Easel-cardholder)
in France. With just two or three stands thus far placed in France, we
already have received 125 requests for subscriptions to •ta Pure Verite.•
After months of patient anticipation, the French Department in its
Pasadena headquarters has received the Bedford pagination computer system.
A giant step forward _should soon be realized in saving time, money,
typographical errors and related character-building moments--we hope!
Several public Bible studies have been held by the French-speaking
ministry during the last two months. In the Bordeaux region of France,
Mr. Bernard Audoin conducted at Agen two Bible studies on February 9 and
February 16, attracting respectively 15 and 14 interested French PT and GN
Mr. James Muir conducted a three-part series of Bible studies in Lyon,
attracting 25, 38 and 18 persons respectively for this series, which ended
on February 2. Most of those attending the last study also came for the
first two studies. Many good questions were asked.
Following my two public conferences at Fort-de-France, Martinique, Mr.
Eric Dubois conducted two follow-up Bible studies which attracted 28 on
February 2 and 34 persons on February 9. Mr. Gilbert Carbonnel, arriving
back safely from Haiti where he had accompanied me, also conducted follow­
up Bible studies. There were 20 people from the outside attending the
first of these studies.
During the spring Holy Days, my wife and I will travel to French Europe.
We will hold two public lectures in Switzerland. Also, an assembly of all
members in Switzerland, including the Swiss German brethren, will take
Afterwards, we will hold other public Bible lectures in Lyon,
Strasbourg and Paris.
(Submitted by Dibar Apartian, Regional Director)
--Larry R. Salyer, Director of Church Administration