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In August of 1985 WSJU-TV, San Juan, changed the "World Tomorrow" program
from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
The effects of this action were felt
instantly as Sunday morning responses fell over 50 percent to an average
of 6-8 calls per program. Written responses flagged as well. The lower
response rate was discouraging to our telephone volunteers and we noticed
that their zeal for participation began to wane.
But after Pastor General Tkach's exhortation "not to just hold our
positions, but to move forward," the volunteer telephone answering team
here in Puerto Rico had a very exciting experience. In February everything
changed. After the powerful response to the tribute program in the United
States we went on the spiritual offensive.
Mr. Weeks conducted a telephone response seminar.
He covered the
fundamentals of telephone response, but also exhorted the volunteers to
pray earnestly about their jobs and the overall success of the "World
Tomorrow" program. He encouraged them to take their jobs seriously and
that if we all do our part then God will bless our efforts. To our very
pleasant surprise, the very next week WSJU-TV aired the tribute program at
8:00 a.m. Though minuscule compared to Pasadena's response, our response
that Sunday leaped to 32 and through the remainder of the week we received
an additional 19 calls for a total of 51.
Since February 9, "the World Tomorrow" has continued to air at 8:00 a.m.
and there is also a good chance that we can even get a 9:00 a.m. time,
though that is not definite. Needless to say, our telephone volunteers
are all very excited once again and have received a wonderful example of
what can be done if we all do our part and have faith in God's power to
open doors.
(Submitted by Stan Bass, Regional Director)
Prom tbe French Office
Activity and encouraging progress has charac­
terized God's Work in the French-speaking countries during January and
This week we again started receiving mail from our Port-au-Prince, Haiti
office. Our deacon, M. Jove Jean-Pierre, wrote that for a while he did
not consider it safe to go downtown to collect the mail at our post office
box due to the looting and rioting.
Circulation of "La Pure Verite"
approximately 190,000 subscribers.
newsstands, is presently 282,750.
Nouvelle du Monde a Venir") is 105
with currently 34,000 subscribers.
is 31 percent above last year at
The total circulation, including the
The French "Good News" {"La Bonne
percent above last year's circulation
Members are up 8.6 percent, reaching 1,506.
members is up 51 percent at 264.
Our list of prospective
For 15 days in January, the French-speaking churche� in Switzerland and
France held a family ski camp in the Swiss Alps at Verrieres. A total of
100 people came to the camp. Activities for the young at heart and limb
included skiing, swimming in an indoor pool, ice skating on Lake