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a reminder, we discourage renting towels for the foot-washing
ceremony. Rather, it would be more appropriate to ask each member to
bring a towel for his or her own use.
The toll-free number for Travel Inc., the travel agency
in Puerto Rico, has not been properly programmed by the
phone company.
The number given was incorrect--the
cor�ect number is (800) 468-2494.
If you experience
difficulties reaching the agency, please call the other
numbers listed in the brochure.
Also, due to contractual difficulties with the Mt.
Irvine Bay Botel at the Tobago Peast site, we will not
be offering it as a lodging establishment for this
year• s Peast.
The extra space necessary has been
reserved at the Crown Reef Botel and services will· be
held in the Golden Thistle.
International News
Proa canada The WATS lines continued to be very productive during this
month. Mr. Richard Ames' second telecast produced a total of 747 calls,
up from his first telecast of the previous week,which brought just o�er
490 calls. Perhaps the review of the first program coupled with the one
on Easter caused more people to feel they should call in.
It is
encouraging to see more people respond in Canada, as they have
traditionally been reluctant to do so.
For the year-to-date, we have received 3,629 calls,which is 135.3\ over
Thankfully, the threatened postal strike didn't materialize. However, it
seems the Post Office is not processing mail as fast or as efficiently as
it should be. We have experienced low days in mail this month with
occasional big days, rather than a steady flow as in the past.
In March last year most tithe of the tithe was sent in, but the brethren
have not yet sent it in for this year.
a result our mail income
was 4 percent, bringing our year-to-date total to just over 9%. We hope
that April will see a large increase as the tithe of the tithe starts to
arrive, and that we will catch up.
In the Churcb division, many pastors have been planning or conducting
•plain Truth• subscriber Bible lectures. Interest is high at present,
with many reporting very fine responses in new people attending. Whereas
we used to get about 1\ response to the invitational letter sent to
readers, the results recently have been between 2\ and 4%. It bas been
especially good in large city areas.
Most of the lectures have been
dealing with Canada's place in prophecy.