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now to do your utmost to edify the brethren during this season.
Yield yourself to God as His instrument, feeding the flock He has
committed to your care. Spend extra time in prayer and study so that you
are filled with the mind of Christ and able to inspire God's people as
they come before Him in these holy convocations. Let the Holy Spirit stir
you up with conviction and faith so that you can preach powerful, moving
Clearly expound the scriptures relating to the holy days,
teaching the brethren how they picture the master plan of God. Make it
plain so that even the newest member can understand.
If you have been in your area for many years, you may worry about giving
the same old sermon. Don't get caught in the trap of giving something
different at the expense of meat in due season. Don't feel the need to
repetition. Of course, there are many ways to approach the
subject and there is a wealth of material in God's Word, so surely you
can add a little variety and still give sound, basic sermons picturing
God's purpose being worked out in our lives.
The arrival of Passover season represents for many the beginning of
preparation for the Feast of Tabernacles itself. You might want to take
advantage of that anticipation to put real emphasis on the Days of
Unleavened Bread, showing the necessity of putting,!.!!!� of our lives
before inheriting the Kingdom of God. � know you_£!!! do it if you let
Christ work through you and really get excited about the awesome truths
God has revealed only to His Church.
We pray for God's richest blessings on you and your family as well as
your whole congregation as we keep these holy days.
Status Opdates�Onited States Membership We want to use this opportunity
to remind you of the need to keep current with member updates. In just
two or three weeks you'll be receiving the first Feast sign-up listings.
Please remember that the Feast sign-up process is also designed to
eliminate the annual update that we used to have to do. By doing both
jobs at the same time, it should save considerable time and effort. Last
year, we frequently had listings returned that didn't have a single
update of addresses, baptisms, deaths, disassociations or ordinations.
Although it is possible that this would occasionally happen, the chances
of it occurring frequently are quite unlikely.
Change of Address Recently we studied the change-of-address forms that
come .in through the field ministry.
Out of 42 forms with effective
dates, 32 were dated almost a month previous and one was dated six months
earlier! Please make every effort to send change of address forms in on
the Monday or Tuesday following the Sabbath that the forms were
submitted. Without the appropriate updates, mail may be delayed or even
cut off for a period of time that might vary from days to weeks and even
Passover and Boly Day Supplies Because of the limited budget for
miscellaneous supplies for Passover and the Holy Days, we must ask that
you request approval from Church Administration before you � �