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and separating the literature offered from the main body of the program.
The British Cable Authority, a quasi-government watchdog organization, has
approved the program and a small cable company has already accepted the
In France, we anticipate airing the subtitled program in the very near
future--the ownership of a new French channel has already requested nThe
World Tomorrow.n
A couple of days after the conference began, a quick visit to BBDO offices
in Duesseldorf confirmed an opportunity to go on the German-language
service of RTL-TV (Radio/Television Luxembourg) reaching about one million
people in the Saar region of Germany.
This is a small but important
beginning. As soon as we can complete subtitling programs in German, we
will test the waters.
New oppo;tunities are developing almost daily, and of course the finances
tQ complete these initiatives are not always immediately available. As
Mr. Tkach has mentioned, please ask the brethren to pray not only for open
doors but also for the financial ability to walk on through.
On a personal note, I want to thank every one of you for your prayers, and
those of the brethren, on behalf of my wife and me. Your many expressions
of love and concern over the past months have been overwhelming. Robin is
recovering well, attending services regularly, driving the car, shopping
and generally leading a normal life.
We thank God for her continued
progress and healing. We thank you for your part. We have learned ·a
great deal. God certainly knows what He is doing in all ·of our lives.
Thank you again.
--David Hulme, Media Purchasing
All continues very well with Ambassador College here at Pasadena. We
recently had some_meetings with Mr. Leslie McCullough and Dr. Donald Ward
concerning which Big Sandy students will be accepted at Pasadena for the
coming year.
We have already received 763 applications from students wanting to enter
Ambassador College for the coming year. It is always difficult to have
to turn so many down. We all need to pray that God will guide and direct
in these matters.
It is good to see Mr. Tkach, the Chancellor of the College, taking a very
active part in college matters. During the 1986-87 college year he hopes
to arrange to continue the special dinners for all seniors in the College.
He has just been too busy with his many responsibilities to invite the
seniors to the Social Center during this second semester. He does hope,
however, to plan some special occasion at which he will honor the seniors
before the end of this semester.
Before long all of us will be observing the Passover and Feast of
Unleavened Bread. We ministers here at Headquarters always look forward
to meeting you ministers, your wives and congregations when we take trips
out into the "field.•
And we pray that our visits are always both
refreshing and inspiring to God's people.