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his adversaries. THIS IS NOT FAR FETCHED SPECULATION. It can and does
happen to ministers in this world and it can happen to youl
Let's not forget God's promises. He says through Peter, "Casting all your
care on him; for he cares for you." And Jesus said, •come unto me, all ye
that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." We are laborers
together with God, as Paul says, and we must let Him carry the bulk of the
Surely there is a time to be firm in correction and reproof. Christ has
given us the authority to rebuke sinners and protect Bis flock when
necessary. When you know that is needed, don't shrink from it! But make
sure you have all the facts and a right attitude and approach. God's
ministers should never develop a reputation for being hasty in their
judgments and harsh in their actions. God does not deal with us that way,
and we are to be a reflection of Him.
As we approach the Passover season let's examine our own spiritual con­
dition by the fruits of our labors. How do we measure up to Christ's
instructions for us given through Paul to Timothy? •And the servant of
the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach,
patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God
peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who
are taken captive by him at his will" (II Timothy 2:24-26).
Your example of God's government in .action will greatly affect how members
perceive the Kingdom of Godl
Festival Transfer Applications The Festival Office has been mailing out
applications for several international sites in recent days. These forms
call for a pastor's signature before they can be processed. We would like
to remind you that your approval should cover two ateas: First, your
approval based on your acquaintance with the individual as to his or her
personal example at an overseas Feast site; and second, the member's
ability to afford the overseas trip and Feast arrangements, even though
some of the Feast applications don't require this information. Before you
sign their form please take the time to ask applicants a few simple
questions regarding how well they have prepared for an overseas transfer.
--Larry Salyer, Church Administration
Sometime last year I wrote in this column that 1985 was shaping up as a
watershed year in European broadcasting.
Well, the pace has not
slackened. Along with Frank Brown and David Gunn, Larry Omasta and I were
able to attend a two-day Cable & Satellite TV Conference in London in
early March, organized by THE FINANCIAL TIMES. Speakers represented some
of the major players in the drama being enacted in Europe these days. But
this is a drama being played out behind the scenes, not on the screens. A
great deal of maneuvering is taking place as France and other nations
deregulate the air waves. It appears that we will be able to be on cable
TV in Britain, just as soon as we can put together programs according to
British specifications. This involves a different ending to the program