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have for the moment stopped mailing any magazines to Turkey. The mailing
list will be maintained so that distribution can be resumed when
The "Good News" mailing list in Europe has grown by 131.5% over the last
year, and in the M .
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Prom East and �est Africa
Mr. Jose1 Forson, a full-time minister in
Accra, Ghana, reports that a new Bible Study held in Likpe-Mate has an
attendance of 71 people, most of whom are prospective members. Most of
these people had been meeting together to study the Bible with the aid of
literature from the Church. T R e I then invited Mr. Forson to join �.
When he explained that they nee e aminister, they readily invited him to
minister to them.
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Prom Tanzania Sadly we have had to say goodbye to the service of Mr. Ben
Kaswaga who we had hoped would be able to work in our office in Nairobi.
Unfortunately, the Kenyan authorities were unwilling to issue Mr. Kaswaga
with a residents permit. Consequently, he has returned to Tanzania where
hopefully he will be able to pick up a teaching post similar to that which
e held before he went to Ambassador College. It may well be that God's
hand is involved in this very directly as there seems to be an increasing
interest amongst people in Dar es Salaam, the capital of Tanzania. We
have a Bible Study there with 20 people in attendance, most of whom are
adults. Mr. Kaswaga reports that there is much potential for growth in
this area as those attending are of a very high quality.
From Uganda Here is the latest report from Mr. Owen Willis, the pastor in
charge of our Church in Tororo, in Uganda:
Conditions worsened during the month to the usual killing,
looting, etc., even in the Tororo area. We have not heard from
brethren since the overthrow of the Government in Kampala. I
could not get across for the meeting of the 1st February due to
the turmoil and closed borders.
I still have not made any
contact with the two members (husband and wife) in the Baganda
area - it is now six months without news of them.
I would like to ask our members to continue to remember the situation
which, although seems to be settling down, is still far from satisfactory.
(Submitted by Frank Brown, Regional Director)
--Larry Salyer, Church Administration
Festival Housing Housing negotiations have now been finalized at all U.S.
and Canadian Festival sites.
The 1986 "Festival Planner" is being
assembled, and will be shipped to you in a few weeks. As we stated in the
March 10 memo from the Festival Office, please do not distribute the
planners before May 3.
You will be happy to know that, on an overall basis, housing rates seem
very stable as compared to last year. This is a result of a great deal of