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The recent visiting tour was a profitable one, resulting in two baptisms
and several new prospective members being invited to church services in
Milan. Burgeoning growth is evident throughout the Italian peninsula as
this month brought us a total of five baptisms and several promising new
visit requests. Mr. Caputo feels that the number of members, currently at
38, could double by the time of the Feast.
The interest of ministers of other churches has continued. Mr. Caputo
tells us: "Up to now we have visited a Mormon elder, an elder of Jehovah's
Witnesses and a Seventh Day Adventist pastor.
All three are seriously
studying our literature and have had their previous beliefs severely
shaken as a result. The Mormon elder has refused the position of bishop
after reading 'La Pura Verit!,' saying that his conscience would no longer
allow him to teach Mormon doctrine with conviction." The Adventist pastor
(supervising a church of several hundred) has had several visits and has
told us that "half the Adventists in Italy now receive 'La Pura Veritd.'"
(Submitted by Carn Catherwood, Regional Director)
From the United Kingdom In the last few days there have been a number of
changes at Elstree House as various people working in the Publishing area
have moved up to the 4th floor (5th floor by American standards), while
other moves have affected most other offices. All the moves are not yet
fully completed, but within two weeks everybody should be fully settled in
their new locations.
In the midst of these changes, unfortunately Mr. Roy Ostensen, the Editor
of "Den Enkle Sannhet" (Norwegian edition of The Plain Truth), was
involved in a car accident which led to bone damage in his knee. He was
taken to the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, which happily is nearby
in Stanmore, and a pin and. plate had to be inserted into his knee to
enable the bone to set properly. He expects to be out of hospital soon
though he will be on crutches for many weeks. We look forward to his full
recovery and return to the office.
In England, new newsstand outlets have been opened in Croydon, Portsmouth
and Nottingham.
Croydon is particularly successful, distributing over
4,000 magazines per month through five newsagents' shops in a busy
shopping area.
In Leeds a stand containing March "Plain Truths" was
recently ransacked by a group of homosexual men who were offended by the
straight-talking editorial!
The U.K. "Plain Truth" list has stabilized at around 150,000 and there are
no plans at the moment to increase this significantly. The Good News list
now stands at 19,898, up 78.8% over 1985. Year to date, 45,659 items of
U.K. mail have been processed, an increase of 9.6% over 1985. The number
of PCD letters answered is also up - by 3.8%.
The response to the "Mystery of the Ages" offer has been very encouraging.
Of 15,814 "Good News" readers mailed, 7,730 responded, representing a
48.9% response. 6,275 people responded to the offer to "The Plain Truth"
file, a 4.5% response.
From Europe and the Middle East The Government of Turkey has prohibited
the distribution of "The Plain Truth" magazine in their country, and so we