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causing 1,016 people to phone in. The final weekend of February saw our
total stand at 638.
We only have four lines in English and one in French, so we are limited in
the number of calls we can receive.
There is no doubt we have been
missing a number of calls due to the size of the operation, so we are in
the process of installing two more WATS lines for a total of seven
altogether. We expect to continue breaking call-in records as the year
The month of February also saw another direct mail campaign get under way.
The responses have just started to come in.
The income was �ery encouraging. The month ended with 21.3% increase over
last year, bringing our year-to-date total to 16.5%. This is quite a few
points above budget. As we enter March we are facing the possibility of
yet another postal strike, this time the letter carriers. They have been
without a contract since November last year. A glimmer of hope is that the
government has appointed the same mediator who averted a national strike
back in 1984. It is hoped he will be able to get the two sides to agree.
The Canadian finance minister in the last week of February brought down a
tough budget to try to get the deficit under control. He announced again
that he expects Canada Post to break even by 1987. To do this there will
have to be yet another major hike in postal rates. We are already paying
very high rates and it appears we will have to continue setting aside an
ever-increasing amount of money for mailing purposes.
(Submitted by Colin Adair, Regional Director)
--Larry Salyer, Church Administration
Ten openings are available for a European tour from June 18 to
July 9.
It is sponsored by Ambassador College, according to Richard
Paige, faculty member and coordinator of the European tour program.
"This informative, 22-day tour through West Germany, Austria, Switzerland,
France and England offers a balanced exposure to the natural beauty of the
countryside with sight-seeing in major cities," Mr. Paige said.
�osts range from $1,722 to $1,900.
An increase in air fares is
anticipated April 1.
Mr. Paige said that participants should take an
additional $200 for personal expenses.
Applicants must be at least 20 years old, in regular attendance at Sabbath
services and in good health.
Interested individuals should immediately contact Mr. Paige at (818) 304-
./ 6030.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor