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Tuesday that the tumor is now reduced in size and the serious
swelling of the ventricals has completely disappeared.
Jennifer is probably feeling better than she's ever felt in her
life. She is doing wonderfully well.
Your continued prayers for Jennifer's complete healing are
still very much needed and appreciated.
The Dennis Robertson Family
Hymnal Record Forms for International Pastors
All international-area
pastors with English-speaking churches will find a "1986 Hymnal Record"
form enclosed with this issue of the "Pastor General's Report." For full
details, please refer to the February 14, 1986 issue on pages 3 and 4,
when the first mailing was made to all U.S. pastors.
Recent Ordinations
Mr. Dennis Robertson, Ambassador College faculty
member and Director of Academic Publications, was ordained a local elder
on the Sabbath of February 22. Assisting in the ordination were Messrs.
Selmer Hegvold, Raymond McNair, Richard Ames and Curtis May.
International News
From South Africa Members and co-workers in Southern Africa were deeply
saddened by the news of the death of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, God's
faithful servant for well over SO years.
They were comforted by the
thought that he was no longer su·ffering and is now sleeping peacefully,
awaiting the resurrection.
It was evident that God was directing events and Mr. Armstrong's
appointment of Mr. Joseph W. Tkach as Pastor General made for what was
seen as a very smooth transition of leadership. Our prayers are with Mr.
Tkach as he shoulders the .heavy responsibilities that now have been placed
upon him.
Mail Processing: Final figures for 1985 are now at hand. During the year
we received almost 443,000 pieces of mail, which represented a 10. 5%
decrease coII1pared with our record-breaking 1984 figures. An average of
35,250 items were.received each month.
Mail Income: We continue to be blessed with increases in the financial
resources needed to do the Work.
At the end of January our operating
account stands at a 12.9% increase. There is a 10.3% increase in total
money received.
(Submitted by Roy McCarthy, Regional Director)
From canada The big news this month from Canada is the record responses
to the telecast from our WATS lines. The tribute to Mr. Armstrong brought
in 1,650 calls over the February 1-2 weekend--our highest ever.
previous record was 474.
The following week the first of the new programs by David Hulme brought in
700 calls. The next week, Mr. Hulme zeroed in on the subject of prophecy,