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The best barometer of how valuable a magazine is to a specific reader
is the magazine's renewal rate. At the end of a subscription term,
readers are asked to "renew" their magazine subscription for another
year. "Plain Truth" renewal rates have now reached record heights:
431 of first-year subscribers are now renewing their "Plain
Truth" for another year (compared to only 201 in 1977).
751 of the readers on the file for more than one year are now
renewing their "Plain Truth" (compared to 651 in 1977).
This indicates readers place a high value on the editorial content of
the magazine. They want to continue their subscriptions because "The
Plairi Truth" has a positive impact upon their lives.
Ray Wright, Publishing Services
"Mystery of the Ages• Tops 500,000
More than 400,000 subscribers have
requested Mr. Armstrong's book "Mystery of the Ages." About half of
these requests were from "Good News" subscribers. The other half are
from those responding to the semiannual letter.
In addition, 100,000 copies of the hardbound version were automatically
sent to members and co-workers. Thus, to date, one-half million copies
have been distributed, or soon will be. This book is quickly becoming
one of the most highly acclaimed and sought-after pieces of literature
Mr. Armstrong has written.
Hundreds Request Prayer
Many people who write or phone headquarters
are facing devastating trials and problems. Increasing numbers are
turning to the Work for comfort and encouragement and to request our
prayers for God's intervention.
For example, people with terminal
illnesses, elderly people who have been deserted by their children1
parents seeking help for their alcoholic or divorced children1 unem­
ployed persons who are facing severe financial problems, prisoners who
feel lonely, frustrated and depressed1 marriages where partners are
unloving, selfish and cruel7 homosexuals who are trying to repent.
These requests are sent to our Personal Correspondence Department.
Each person receives a letter of encouragement based on his circum­
stances, which points him toward God and gives assurances from the
Bible. We also offer the services of the local minister to those who
are interested. So far this year nearly 3,000 prayer requests have
been handled by this department.
Christmas Booklet
More than 100,000 copies of Mr. Armstrong's booklet
"The Plain Truth About Christmas" have been requested this year. The
origin of this holiday is often startling and eye-opening to our
readers. A number have written that they are no longer going to keep
Christmas and are thankful to know the truth. Here are a few letters: