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"For over a year, we've been receiving your 'Plain Truth' magazine,
which we appreciate .!2 much 1
Now, you're offering us still another
gift in sending us 'The Good News' 1 Our thanks also to the persons
responsible for not selling God's word! Being a Dallas Cowboy fan, I
might add that Tom Landry introduced me to 'The Plain Truth.'"
--Dexter Faulkner, Editorial Services
Xian Ezbibit's Success The Xian Exhibit, which was briefly covered in
the November 18 edition of "The Worldwide News," was a tremendous
success. Not only did it serve well as a cultural exchange between
Ambassador Foundation and the People's Republic of China, but it also
helped people throughout the Los Angeles basin to get a better perspec­
tive on China's history.
Thousands were attracted to the campus to see "The Secret Army of
China's First Emperor," which was open from November 3 to December 1 in
the Hall of Administration. Had the display not been in Minneapolis,
Minnesota, earlier in the year, we would not have been able to have it
here. Some things seem to just "work out" to our advantage.
Following are some verbal and written comments we received:·
Fascinating and breathtaking; had to- return twice to believe
my eyes!
The exhibit was very well done, a lot of effort was obvi­
ously used in preparation of it. I found it fascinating and
enjoyable, well worth the visit.
Fantastic! Even better in certain respects than the actual
tomb in Xian.
This exhibition is very well done. I found it equal to that
done at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York a short
time ago.
Many of the thousands of viewers had never been on campus before, and
did not know anything about Ambassador College, the Church or their
purpose. "The Plain Truth" and "Youth 85" display stands in the Hall
of Administration had to be refilled frequently and many booklets and
reprints were picked up from the Student Center display stands.
The exhibit was given special coverage in all the newspapers in the
area, including the STAR NEWS and LOS ANGELES TIMES.
In addition,
there was major coverage on NBC and two other local channels.
Ellis La Ravia, Facilities Administration
Renewal Rates Op More "Plain Truth" readers are renewing their one­
year subscriptions than ever before. The overall renewal rate of all
subscribers has now increased from an average of 45%, several years
ago, to about 55%. These are the highest renewal rates we have ever
experienced for "The Plain Truth."