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didn't have to tell me (see, I'm in a lesser position than Mr. Rader
and I'm not ashamed to say that; I really am, so he doesn't have to
try to build himself up in my eyes in any way). But he is continuously·,
never-endingly, always, I tell you, praising Mr. Herbert Armstrong.
He always tells me about Mr. Armstrong's tremendous judgment. Every
time something happens, he will often say, "You know something? Mr.
Armstrong said that was going to happen." He said, 'That man was that
way,' but I said, 'No,' and I fought with him, and I argued with him
in behalf of the man. But you know, he was right." And he tells me
it happens every time. He says, "People don't realize how great that
man is. The people don't realize how inspired he is. They don't realize
the judgment he has." He has consistently built up Mr. Armstrong. I'll
tell you, that has given me great faith in Mr. Rader, so that, in turn,
I have defended Mr. Rader over the years.
And you know, they say he controls Mr. Herbert Armstrong. Well, I'll
tell you, all you've got to do is know Mr. Armstrong and you know
better! It was very interesting recently when I gave Mr. Rader an
eight-paragraph document saying, "Look, here's a recommendation I'd
like to make. I really think this is a very good idea, and here it is."
He looked at it and said, "I think you've got something here. I really
think this is good, and I'm going to present it to Mr. Armstrong."
Now, he's supposed to control Mr. Armstrong, right? He calls me back
the next day. He says, "I want to tell you something. You know, you
really kind of did it in for me.
," he said. "You know," he said, "I
brought that document to Mr. Armstrong and he not only rejected and
struck out each paragraph, some he struck out twice!" So I'll tell
you, if he controls Mr. Armstrong, he's got a funny way of showing it
because this whole idea of mine which he thought was very good was shot
down the tubes.
I do want to thank you for the support that so many of you gave when
we were in court. I feel that God is using these events to bring this
Church forward to something we've lost under Mr. Ted Armstrong, and
that's the idea of prayer, faith and fellowship. Let's keep an ear
tuned so we can all, through the type of preaching we heard from Mr.
Meredith, come to a oneness again, and just be together.
We kept yQ\\{,.jver three hours and you're still clapping. I think this
is really
1:he old days in that way. Do you know that our average
service, tftli?normal service time in God's church up in the libracy,
used to be for years from 1:30 to 4:30 every Sabbath?
And Mr. Armstrong
often ran over half an hour or so, and that's what we're doing now.
I thought I was going to come up and Mr. Rader would say a few things and
I'd give a final scripture and try to inspire you and then sit down.
But really, Mr. Helge has done such a good job and you've been here such
a long time, I think you're probably ready to sing. But I just want to
say that most of you know Mr. Helge, I'm sure. He has been a member
for 20 or more years. I know him very well and I have worked with him
a great deal so I know he is a very dedicated church member working for
Jesus Christ. Of course, we're all working for Christ, and humanly for
Mr. Armstrong. So I'm very grateful for his comments in Mr. Armstrong's,
and of course in the Work's defense.