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happened. It's all over. They got the membership list and now they're
going to put themselves in control insofar as the membership is con­
You know what really happened? The computer wouldn't start! So I'll
tell you, we're great believers that you've got to have faith and that
"faith without works is dead." You've got to have works to supplement
your faith, for as somebody very astutely said, "Faith without works
is dead; yes, but works without faith is useless."
Then, during the night we made some calls. I began to think of all the
loyal ministers that we knew. (This is not an exhaustive list.) But
we got on the phone right away and tried to get in touch with Mr.
Norman Smith to have him come, and to get Mr. Dean Blackwell down,
George Meeker, and of course, many others--including Dennis Luker.
I'm just giving a few names here, but there are many, many faithful
But with that, then things were put together and we went to court.
And the court changed the court order to a very large degree saying that
Mr. Herbert Armstrong is the one that has authority to hire and fire.
And, you see, with tha�inspired decision, it gave Mr. Armstrong the
unobstructed authority to clean house. Now I say, let's "clean house."
Because of tne conspirators and those of their ilk, there were problems
I can't even tell you about.
Before all this happened we couldn't understand the rumors, rumors,
rumors, going out. They weren't being squelched and ministers were
calling the legal office saying, "I need information to squelch them."
I said, "Well, I guess it's not my job, you know. You got an area
/Pastoral Administration office/ especially for that." But they
weren't being fed with the proper information. You see, all this now
has come out. This suit actually, I feel,was inspired by Satan. But,
I'll tell you, I believe that God is just making use of it in such a
way as to build unity in the Church, and to bring forth this conspiracy.
I just want to make one more brief comment before closing. I feel
there was a source of rumors, but I feel that it's out of the Church
right now. And I'll tell you, in many of those rumors (which ultimate
source is Satan who uses certain instruments), there's one man that
has constantly and continuously been castigated, and that's Mr. Rader.
Now, I know I am called "a Rader man," so anything I say is highly
suspect. But you see, it so happens that when Mr. Rader got his ·law
degree, then it was just the opposite. Then it was rumored, "Helge,
you got a lot of trouble with Mr. Rader--very jealous, probably because
he's next to Mr. Armstrong and he has now got his law degree." At that
time I was his antagonist, according to the rumor, but now all of a
sudden I'm in his hip pocket, so to speak.
Well, I'll tell you. Neither has been true. We just have a great
admiration for each other. But I want to tell you something about this
man that I feel I must. And this comes from my heart. And Mr. Armstrong
gives me my pay,-not Mr. Rader, just so you'll understand, Okay?
So many times over the years there have been rumors against Mr. Rader-­
how he does thus and so, and so forth. But so many times, when he