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Regional Reports The progress of God's work worldwide in 1985, much of
which was reported at the Regional Directors Conference here November
18 through 21, will be comprehensively covered in the January 27 issue
of "The Worldwide News.•
Year-end reports from the Church's 12
regional offices and some Pasadena departments will be included in this
special issue, along with noteworthy achievements from 1985, plans for
1986, and special problems and other needs about which the regional
directors would like brethren to pray.
April •p1ain Truth• Just before the Regional Directors Conference we
had our April "Plain Truth" planning session. Along with "Mystery of
Israel," chapter 5, part 2, of Mr. Armstrong's book, and his
"Personal," we have scheduled Mr. Armstrong's "What Is the Purpose of
the Resurrection?"
An article discussed as the late-breaking March lead is "Britain-­
Problems From Within and Without.• Stan Bass, regional director of the
Caribbean area, attended the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting
in the Bahamas shortly after the Feast. Editor Herman L. HQeh and
world news editor Gene Hogberg felt the information submitted by Mr.
Bass would be very timely. Mr. Bass also took photographs of various
dignitaries attending the conference.
•Youth 86• As I mentioned in the Regional Directors Conference, it's
difficult to believe, but we are gearing up for the sixth year of
"Youth" magazine. That means those young people in the Church who were
just old enough to receive the magazine--13 years old when the first
issue came out--will be 18 when "Youth 86" comes out in January. In
these last five years, added to those young people in the Church are
more than 200,000 other subscribers who are not associated with the
Church, including 60,000 libraries.
"Youth 85" now goes into 138 countries and territories. Although the
United States and canada make up 85 percent of the 230,000 readers, the
magazine is also going into countries from Algeria to Zimbabwe, from
China to Yugoslavia, from Iran (363 readers!) to Poland.
As I told the regional directors, we always appreciate any suggestions
you may have for the "Youth" magazine, as well as news clippings about
heroic young people and other items from your area that would be inter­
esting to teens. Articles in the January "Youth 86" issue cover every­
thing from sports safety to coping with family conflict. Other sub­
jects include evolution, communication, facing your fears and goal
setting. On the cover is an action-packed snow-skiing photograph.
Even though the "Youth• magazine is primarily designed for teens, I
hope you are reading it and all the other publications of God's work.
God's Church is a growing, developing body. Mr. Armstrong constantly
updates and revises his articles. Those who don't regularly read the
publications may find serious gaps developing in their knowledge of
what the Church teaches.
--Dexter Faulkner, Editorial Services