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producing such a fine work. From Fort McMurray, AB, the most northerly
church in Canada, to Windsor, Ontario, the most southerly, all extend
their thanks for Mr. Armstrong's efforts.
The fast day for the health of Mr. Armstrong and others with serious
illnesses in the Church was taken soberly by the brethren here. Almost
continually, members and ministers alike are inquiring how he is. The
concern is obvious and the brethren's prayers continue.
Canada's 111 unemployment rate continues to be a problem for some
members. However, many local churches have begun a campaign to help
members obtain employment by holding job seminars in which pastors
instruct members how to go about getting a job. The campaign has been
very successful in some church areas, resulting in members obtaining
substantial employment after not having worked for years.
Prom Dibar Apartian
There are 40 French-speaking countries and/or
dependencies located in Western Europe, North America, the Caribbean,
South America, North Africa, Western and Central Africa, the Indian
Ocean and the South Pacific. A population of 250,000,000 live in these
countries. They have divergent cultures--all they have in common is
the French language!
The surface areas where these people 1ive is
16,212,276 square kilometers.
The worldwide circulation of "La Pure Verite" is up 32.61 over last
year. We currently have 177,499 subscribers, of whom 67,490 have been
added to our files so far this year. Penetration of "La Pure Verite"
among the 40 French-speaking countries is currently 1 in every 1,017
The circulation of "La Bonne Nouvelle du Monde a Venir" (the French
"Good News"> has also experienced good growth. The current circulation
is 30,273--which is an increase of 136.91 over last year.
Currently 21 ordained ministers and two trainees serve in 27 French­
speaking churches.
The average weekly Sabbath service attendance
stands at 2,642 persons, an increase of 16.71 above last year.
Attendance at the five French Feast of Tabernacles sites was 2,947--an
increase of 15.5% over last year. Holy Day offerings for 1985 were
36.3% above last year, with an overall increase given per person of
Radio is effective in areas and hours where people are still tuning in.
RTL-Radio covers the northern quarter of France, reaching the Parisian
region. Radio SUD broadcasts from Andorra into most of Southwestern
We've just added four new radio stations in the Abitibi-Val d'Or region
of Quebec. This opens up a rather isolated region 1,500 kilometers
northwest of Montreal. Two new radio opportunities in Martinique have
opened up on private FM stations.
"The World Tomorrow" subtitled in French is having a synergistic effect
in whatever French areas it has been airing. TMC-TV, broadcasting from