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The NCR system is established as the primary word processing system
here at Headquarters. With this interface, any material we receive
from any of the NCR systems can be directly input into the Bedford
system without the need of retyping. This will save nearly half a
million keystrokes monthly. Just another example of how God is using
modern technology to get the Gospel message out.
December GN No cutbacks in "Good News" circulation are planned. The
December issue will reach more than 730,000 subscribers. Even though
the majority of the readers are nonmembers now, "The Good News" is
stronger doctrinally than ever. Mr. Armstrong has remarked that even
the newest readers should know what kind of magazine they are request­
ing, and that we shouldn't hold back or water down anything in "Good
News" articles.
Birth Announcements The Church is growing! Now that "The Worldwide
News" has completed the Festival edition, the staff is wrapping up the
Nov. 18 issue. Mare than 100 birth announcements that accumulated over
the Feast break will be published in that issue.
Softbound Version
Advance copies of the softbound version of Mr.
Armstrong's "Mystery of the Ages" are in.
They have retained the
beautiful royal purple with the gold embossed title from the jacket
cover of the hardback book. As one of our staff mentioned, it is the
best quality softback book we have seen.
--Dexter Faulkner, Editorial Services
Envoy Since returning from the Feast of Tabernacles, the faculty and
administration are back in "full swing." I am happy to report that, in
every way, we have had a very fine college year thus far.
It is encouraging to see how many brethren have wanted to buy a copy of
the new 1985 "Envoy."
Mr. Dennis Robertson, Director of College
Publications, just recently informed me that during the Feast we re­
ceived about 3,000 "Envoy" orders from U.S. Feast sites, plus a number
from the overseas area. This is about 1,000 more than we anticipated
receiving. Since the College only printed about 2,000 copies, we will
have to order another 3,000 so we can accommodate all of those who want
a copy of the 1985 "Envoy."
We have received many favorable comments concerning the new "Envoy."
It is the second largest "Envoy" we have ever published. And though it
doesn't have quite as many color pages as some previous "Envoys," it
does have some very interesting pictures (both in color and black-and­
white), plus other points of interest.
If any of you ministers did not get your copy of the new 1985 "Envoy,"
then please let us know right away, so we can include you (or any
others you know of who wish a copy) along with the count that we will
be giving to our publisher in the near future.