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In Africa, demands for "The Plain Truth" are always high, and we have
to put potential subscribers on a waiting list until the budget allows
us to commence their subscriptions.
Mail from the area is up 63.3
percent over last year. Unlike last year, however, literature is being
mailed out from the local offices in Africa, whereas before it was
mailed out from the U.K. The file size is almost 55,000.
As reported earlier, with Uganda in political turmoil, plans to hold
the Festival in Jinya had to be canceled and members met in the home of
Mr. William Othieno. It was in a rural setting and the young people
enjoyed helping to draw water and collect firewood. Activities in­
cluded a barbeque, football and volleyball, a hike and a talent show.
Sermons were given by Mr. Ben Kaswaga, who traveled from Nairobi, and
sermon tapes were also played.
Thank you for your prayers for our
brethren there.
--Joseph Tkach, Church Administration
New Format With the reduction of the English-language "Plain Truths"
to 32 pages, beginning in March, and the other belt-tightening tactics
we are taking in the publications, we are having to regear our thinking
in Editorial. With fewer articles, it is more important than ever that
they appeal to a general audience--and, of course, now most articles in
the magazine will appear in the international editions.
Invitation In early December leaders from seven South Asian nations
will meet in Dhaka, Bangladesh, to form a socioeconomic bloc to promote
peace and stability in their troubled region. Mr. Armstrong was invited
to address this South Asian Regional Cooperation (SARC) summit confer­
As you no doubt noticed in Mr. Armstrong's lectures to the
people of Sri Lanka, these people listen to what he says. Unfortu­
nately, because of health reasons, he was forced to decline.
Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi of India, King Birendra of �epal, King
Jigme Singy Wangchuck of Bhutan and President Ershad of Bangladesh,
along with the leaders of Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the Maldives, jointly
represent one fifth of all mankind. With these kinds of doors opening
for God's Work, you can see how much more we need to fervently pray for
Mr. Armstrong's quick recovery.
We plan to send Keith Stump, a "Plain Truth" senior writer, to cover
the conference for "The Plain Truth" and to make a survey of conditions
in poverty-stricken Bangladesh. Mr. Stump is lecturer in Eurasian
Geography at Ambassador College and has a thorough background in
Islamic history and culture.
Milestone One milestone we are excited ab9ut in the publications is
the interface of our NCR word processing system with Publishing's
Bedford typesetting computer. This interface is the fulfillment of a
goal we, with the aid and encouragement of Data Processing, have worked
toward for several years now.