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On Tuesday, October 1, we drove on to Prague to meet with a representa­
tive of the Russian Intourist agency, who made it possible for Mr. John
Karlson (Office Manager) and me to be received later in October in
Intourist in Moscow and Leningrad.
After meeting with the Intourist
representative we flew to Zurich, which is the closest airport to
Bonndorf Can hour's drive) , and made it in time to attend the very
outstanding performance of the Lake Konstanz Symphony Orchestra at our
Festival hall.
A number of hotel and restaurant owners, as well as
other local residents, were present.
After the Feast John Karlson and I flew to Moscow where we were re­
ceived by a high-ranking representative of Intourist.
We made very
successful arrangements regarding a possible Festival 1986 in
Leningrad, which we visited.
The Bonn office received a number of visitors after the Feast,
including evangelist Dr. Roderick Meredith and his family.
In October we sent out over 18,000 "Good News" offers to "Klar & Wahr"
readers who renewed this past year.
We have received over 4,500 re­
quests, which is a 25% response. Our "Good News" list is growing and
we expect that with the January issue our subscriber list will reach
--Joseph Tkach, Church Administration
God Adds Growth in Japan Excellent response to an ad which ran in two
Japanese magazines has more than doubled the circulation of the
English-language edition of "The Plain Truth" in Japan. The ad, which
offered a one-year subscription to "The Plain Truth," has thus far
brought more than 1,400 responses. The old circulation figure stood at
about 1,200.
The ad was entitled "What Next For Japan?" and ran in The ENGLISH
The two magazines are read primarily by
Japanese students who are learning English as a second language.
Adapted from an ad Mr. Armstrong wrote for READER'S DIGEST in Britain,
originally titled "What Next For Britain?" it has been successfully
adapted for use in newspapers and magazines in countries around the
Just how large the door ultimately turns out to be that God is opening
in Japan remains to be seen. Other activity in Japan, in addition to
"The Plain Truth" circulation there, includes the "World Tomorrow"
telecast weekly over JCTV, a cable network linking 2 6 of the leading
hotels in Tokyo. A number of letters have been received in response to
the telecast there, most of them coming from business travelers.
present there are three members of God's Church in Japan.
--David Hulme, Media Purchasing