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Unity is a state of mind. It's an attitude. It reflects the mind of
Christ. And the godly unity in God's Church comes only from God. We
need to ask for it and work on ourselves always to maintain it.
Feast Report s
The remaining Feast reports from the ministers who were
given overseas assignments will appear in the November 18 issue of "The
Worldwide News." I hope you find these reports interesting.
Prayer Updates
Your continuing prayers for God's people in South
Africa are much appreciated. Our black brethren there have thus far
been in the greatest danger, but God has continued His faithful pro­
tection. Please continue to remember them.
Also, I would like to ask that you remember Mr. Michael Hechel, who has
not yet been able to return to service, and that you continue to pray
for Mr. and Mrs. John Moskel's daughter, Molly.
Doctors have
determined that Molly has a tumor in her chest, in addition to her
The Hechels and the Moskels appreciate your support and
prayers on their behalf.
International News
From Mr. Frank Schnee
September and October were very busy and excit­
ing months for Festival preparations and activities.
Final arrange­
ments for Bonndorf, West Germany, and for Brno, Czechoslovakia, were
made in early September and preparations for the new Festival site in
Krakow, Poland, also went very well.
On September 16 brethren from the German-speaking area gathered in six
Festival locations for the Feast of Trumpets. Attendance was up 11.7%
over last year and the overall offering was +22.8%.
Prior to the Festival, I escorted Cedok representative Dr. Jaroslav
Macourek to our Bonndorf Festival site to meet with a Czechoslovakian
folklore group that was to perform in Bonndorf at the Festival and then
at seven other cities in the Black Forest.
On Atonement, seven Festival locations hosted our German-speaking
brethren and many guests from overseas. The Holy Day offering showed
an excellent +35 .5% increase over last year.
On Friday, September 27 ,
wife and I flew to Warsaw and on the
Sabbath had the historical first Sabbath service in Warsaw, Poland, for
this age. From Warsaw, we drove to Krakow for our first-ever Festival
in Poland. Orbis (the Polish government travel agency) went out of the
way to make a marvelous physical Festival possible. The fine Holiday
Inn, the food and activities C including the trip to Zakopane in the
beautiful Tetra Mountains) contributed to the success of this new site.
After services on Monday, we drove on to Brno, Czechoslovakia to be
present for a folklore evening. Those attending in Brno felt that this
was the best Feast ever there.