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cancer. Mrs. Blackwell led a rich life and died in the faith, having
contributed three fine ministers to God's Church.
ontinue to
pray for the complete healing of Mrs. Leonard Schreiber, Mrs. Carrol
Miller, Dr. William Kessler, Mrs. David Hulme and Mr. Carn Catherwood.
In addition, I'd like to ask that you include Molly Moskel, 3-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Moskel, who is suffering from leukemia,
to your prayer list.
God knows our needs before we ask.
Yet our love one for another is
perfected as we bear one another's burdens in times of trial.
you on behalf of all these for your prayerful support.
Feature Feast Report
From Mr. Roderick Meredith
My family and I had the privilege of
visiting all four of the British Feast sites this year:
Scotland1 Southport, England1 Tenby, Wales and Jersey in the Channel
Having been absent from Britain since
it was a great
joy to me personally to meet so many of the brethren I had known and
loved at each Feast site along the way.
Overall, we found the British brethren in a fine attitude and in good
spirits in spite of many physical handicaps. Many of the brethren are
unemployed or underemployed, yet their zeal for the Church and their
generous participation in the offerings were evident.
In Dunoon, many of the brethren and ministers were able to stay in
small "chalets," or cabins, with self-contained cooking facilities.
This was ideal for families, and the chalets were situated in a
beautiful area along the coast w.ith fine views.
In Tenby, many of the brethren stayed at a "Holiday Camp" where they
could live inexpensively in "caravans," or small mobile homes.
meeting hall was right there, so that made it convenient for the
majority to make it to services and participate in other activities.
On Jersey, the hall where services were held was 1 iterally inside an
old fort built hundreds of years ago by the British to protect against
any invaders from the Continent.
Our brethren drove up the hill and
through the gate in the high stone walls surrounding the fort.
Interestingly, Jersey was the only part of Britain occupied by German
troops during World War II.
Some cannons and gun emplacements from
this era are still intact.
Talk about atmosphere and historical
surroundings! Yet, inside the hall, as in all the British Feast sites,
the true servants of the living God were having encouraging and
inspiring sermons
about the soon-coming intervention of the great
GOD--and the wonderful age of PEACE to follow.
From Mr. John Balford The Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated in the
People's Republic of China in the city of Nanjing for the second time.
Some two hundred sixty four people, mainly from the United States,
Canada and Australia, attended. Most of them agreed that the Feast was
outstanding in every way, and truly the experience of a lifetime.