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Let each of us yield ourselves to God
fully as we rapidly approach
the time when Jesus Christ will return to establish Bis Father's King­
dom. As always, God's will shall be done. As Bis ministers, set the
pace in your congregations in fulfilling Paul's instruction in
Philippians 1:27: "Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of
Christ•••that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving
together for the faith of the gospel."
The apostle Paul gives us a powerful admonition to
carefully remain faithful, realizing who our
and how to
overcome him, in Ephesians 6:10-20. Paul reminds us that the devil,
who is still the unseen ruler of this present evil world, is the one we
must fight. Be shows us how to stand against this foe by putting on
the whole armor of God, which includes truth, righteousness, the true
gospel, faith, the hope of salvation and the Word of God. Be points
out the need to be in close contact with God, to be praying that
God's people remain steadfast and faithful with us. Be then concludes
this passage admonishing that we pray earnestly for God's apostle that
he may be given the ability to proclaim the Gospel boldly.
In these 11 verses Paul shows us the important role that overcoming,
coupled with faithful prayer, plays in doing the Work of God.
desires that our hearts be in Bis Work.
Be wants us to share the
commitment, the zeal, the love for Bis Work that Be and Jesus Christ,
the Bead of the Church, have. Therefore God loves and appreciates·our
prayers for His Work. Be sees them as sweet incense (Revelation 5:8).
But of what value are our prayers unless our attitudes are right toward
Unless we . are striving to overcome our sins, faults and
shortcomings? God says Be hears the prayers of the righteous. And
indeed Be considers us righteous if we humbly seek His will in every
aspect of our lives and are willing to change. When our ways please
God, Be will bless us.
All God's firstfruits have a part. Each of us around the world must
realize the need to heed God's admonition to "come out of her, my
people" (Rev. 18:4). We must each individually do our part to seek
God's help in seeing where we may be letting down spiritually, and then
put Bis Spirit to work in changing.
In this way God will hear our
prayers and grant us Bis blessing as Bis tools in doing Bis Work.
Prayer Updates As Mr. Richard Rice points out later in this issue,
brethren around the world are continuing to express their concern about
Mr. Armstrong's health. He reminds us daily of his deep appreciation
for the love and prayers of God's people.
I know you and your
congregations are remaining steadfast in requesting God's complete
healing for Mr. Armstrong and for his restoration to full capacity.
Mr. Jim Friddle had a cancer in his bladder removed, and now seems to
have fully recovered with no sign of any further cancer. Mrs. James
Reyer, though she still has the cancer, is feeling well and is
functioning normally.
Also, Mr. Keith Brittain is progressing very
well and may be able to return to full-time service in the near future.
We were saddened by the death this past Sabbath morning of Mrs. Marie
Blackwell, mother of Messrs. Dean, Tom and Mike Blackwell, from breast