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1986 Festival Housing Assignments
Although the Feast of Tabernacles is still weeks away, much
planning for next year's Festival has already taken place.
One er itical factor is housing.
Because of the following
reasons, we are requesting that
members wait until next
spring when the Festival Planner is distributed to make
housing reservations for 1986:
1. The sites are not yet firm. Almost ADY�
2. We have no way to guarantee that all transfers will be
3. All housing at each site must be negotiated by the
Festival. Coordinator between now and next year.
Negotiating for better prices is impossible if avail­
able housing is already partially filled by members.
4. Those who book their housing early, especially if they
are transferring to a very popular site, make it much
more difficult for those assigned to that site to find
so please wait until the Festival Planner is distributed in
the spring to make your 1986 Festival housing arrangements.
Your cooperation will help make a better Feast for everyone!
Taping of Services at the Feast
Sermons or other parts of services should not be taped by
anyone except those appointed by the Church to do so. The
same policy applies at the Feast of Tabernacles. Please do
not take your tape recorder to the Feast to tape the
services, as taping will not be permitted.
Those who are
unable to attend may request to borrow sermon tapes from
their pastors after the Feast.
Taking Pets to the Feast
The Church discourages members taking pets to the Feast.
(The obvious exception would be seeing-eye dogs or those
animals trained to aid the deaf.>
If you cannot make
arrangements to leave pets with a friend, in a kennel or at
home, then you must arrange .in. adyance with your hotel or
motel to have pets in your room.
However, any damage or
other problems caused by the pets are your responsibility.
In no way can the Church be involved or held responsible.
Family Togetherness at Feast of Tabernacles
Throughout the year family members of God's Church tend to
function separately because of the demands of jobs, schools