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"Mystery of the Ages• Newspaper Article
The following newspaper article was submitted to 4,000 suburban weekly
newspaper editors in the United States regarding •Mystery of the Ages.•
It is expected to appear in about 10 percent of the papers to which it
was submitted. We'd like all
o. s.
pastors to ask the brethren to
notify them of the names of any newspapers they see it in, so that the
pastors may then notify us.
Bible Called "Mystery Of The Ages"
Why i• the world's all-time
bestseller-the Bibi-• mys­
tery ·to millions? A leading
acholarclaimst.ohave ·c:raclced
the code"
the basic tnltha
the Bible contains - tnltha
. that may be able to help you
eolve many of the problema in
your life.
Milliona of Americana are
looking (or answers to life's
perplexing questiona:
were you bom? Why human
there hope for a
better world tomorrow?"Her­
bert W. Armstrong explore•
the answers to these and
other questions in his new
book, "Mystery
the Ages:
publishedbyDodd, Mead and
Armstrong calla the Bible a
"coded" book, with absolute
answers to the paramount
mysteries confronting all hu­
manity. He says the Bible is
like a jigsaw puzzle with
thousands of pieces that need
putting together - and the
pieces will fit together in only
4ne way. In his new book, he
tries to put the many pieces
the great Biblical "puzzle"
together sotheycan beclearly
understood, so that readers
can use these tnlths and
Biblical scholar Herbert W.
Armstrong has written a
book that may make the
Bible more understand•·
ble to many.
apply them totheir own lives.
He explains the "seven p-eat
Biblical mysteries" that con­
cernpeople of all ages, beliefs
and backgrounds.
"Mystery of the Ages" is not
a dry, dull academic theologi­
cal treatise, many readers
say. It's written in laymen's
language-easy t o under­
stand and relevant to people
all faiths, while offering a
challenge to even the skeptics.
It's available ror $12.95 at
(Not to be Announced)
Mr. Paul R. Gavlick is disfellowshipped. He is approximately
28 years old, about 6 feet 2 inches in height, a Caucasian
and is from the Middletown, N.Y., church area. In the event
he should appear in your area, it is imperative that you
immediately contact Mr. William Swanson for more detailed
information regarding his background. Church rules regarding
disfellowshipped members should be stringently enforced in
his case.