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Teen Impressed by Literature, Wants a Visit
I have just finished reading THE MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX and now
I don't feel bad about losing boyfriends because I wouldn't have
sex with them. I always knew for some reason I was saving myself
for marriage.
Some people think I'm crazy or missing out on
something, but they are the ones who are missing out.
I am
thankful I said "no" all those times. I used to wonder if I would
ever get a husband, or boyfriend, for that matter, but now I'm
sure I will.
I thank God and you for opening my eyes so I can learn and see
what's right and wrong. I was so lost. One nigbt I came to our
Father in heaven and asked Him to send a way or something to me
because I was confused, and I was in question about a lot of sub­
jects, the Bible, and life.
When I went to my pastor and he
couldn't provide a correct answer, I knew something was wrong.
He said a lot of things in church one Sunday that were just down­
right wrong.
I couldn't believe my· ears.
And people would
"Amen" it anyway. So now I am looking for a new church, because I
never went back to that one, and as far as I am concerned, I never
So when I saw in the back of one of your books that you send rep­
resentatives to houses, I was excited and very happy. Would you
please send a representative to my home? I would love to talk
with him.
A.Y. (Mobile, AL)
Reader Resentful at First, Then Softened By the Truth
I must admit to a love-hate relationship with you. I deeply re­
sented your flying in the face of all I had been taught in my 46
years. it burned me up to have another California kook trying to
tell me that I didn't know what I knew I knew, if that makes
Then came the big blow: you insulted my intelligence by telling
me I had allowed myself to be duped by the most respected reli­
gions in the world--how dare you! Now, with head hung in shame,
and lifted in knowledge, I confess you were right and praise God
you were there. I must admit that my attempt at change is being
met with obstacle after obstacle, but I was forewarned that would
happen. The good is outweighing the bad by great measure. Once
again thank you for being there.
A.S. [Caryville, FL)
Deliberate Study of Religion Leads Youth to God's Church
I have just about all of your literature, and every time I get
something new, I study it carefully so I understand most of all
the Church teachings.
Ever since I was a little child, I have wanted to be a minister.
When I became old enough to realize that there were many dif­
ferent religions, I began to look to see why I believed in the
Church [I was attending] .••• Then I began (slowly) to see that