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• Backed Up With Scripture
Many people comment that they appreciate the fact Mr. Armstrong backs
up what he says with Scripture. Others add, "You come across to me as
the only one who really knows the Bible as it was written." Dozens
have also mentioned how helpful it is to have the scriptures shown on
the screen.
• Clear and Easy to Understand
Many have said the telecasts are clear, logical and easy to under­
stand. A typical comment is "This is the first time in my life that I
have understood the Bible."
• Answers Vital Questions
People say Mr. Armstrong addresses topics and issues that really mat­
ter. He gives answers to questions that have puzzled them for years.
Their doubts and misunderstandings about what the Bible teaches on key
subjects are resolved. One woman wrote, "I sat on my sofa and cried
because you gave me so much hope. You made me understand that the
future is not full of gloom." Another said, "I was so excited and
happy to at last hear the truth that I have searched for all my lifel"
• Mr. Armstrong Never Begs for Money
Every week scores of viewers say they are amazed that Mr. Armstrong
never hounds them for donations. They're also impressed that all lit­
erature is offered free without follow-up or obligation. A man who
said he watched many religious programs commented, "I note that Mr.
Armstrong is the only one who is not dinging the viewing public to
death for money and funds."
Presorting Mail Saves Postage, Speeds Delivery
Over the past few years postal rates have increased dramatically. In order
to take advantage of the lowest rates offered to us by the Postal Service,
we "presort" as much mail as possible. This involves sorting, bundling and
sacking mail in zip code order before taking it to the post office.
By doing this work ourselves, we not only save the Church thousands of dol­
lars, but the mail is also speeded through the postal system. For example,
if we send a sack of mail labeled for Big Sandy, Texas, it would be sent
there directly without further handling by the post office. This mail by­
passes sorting operations at several transfer points, saving up to three or
four days delivery time •
Our computer enables us to presort mail with very little additional labor,
yet the postage savings is significant. As an illustration of these sav­
ings, by presorting Mr. Armstrong's co-worker letters, we save four cents
per letter, or more than $40,000 a year.
Miscellaneous Letters of Interest
This week we are featuring a variety of comments from letters that illus­
trate the many different ways God's truth is affecting people's lives.