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Mail Up 31%!
Incoming mail also continues at record-breaking levels. We have received
3.4 million pieces year to date (U.S. only) as compared to 2.6 million
pieces for the same period last year. This is a 31.3% increase!
As with phone calls, we normally expect a slight drop in mail during the
summer months. This summer, however, mail counts have picked .!:!E rather
than slowed down. For the first three weeks of July, we received twice the
amount of mail than we did last year in the same period.
WORLDWIDE NEWS Special Edition Is Eye-opening
We have received many letters in response to the special insert in THE
WORLDWIDE NEWS titled "Recent History of the Philadelphia Era of the World­
wide Church of God," written by Mr. Herbert Armstrong. Several members
said that the article gave them a real spiritual boost. They were startled
to learn the true facts about this present era of God's Church. Following
are some of the comments:
First of all, I want to say thanks for everything, but mostly for
your recent special edition of THE WORLDWIDE NEWS titled "Recent
History of the Philadelphia Era of the Worldwide Church of God."
It was fabulously written, as your articles always are, but this
had special importance for us all. Thank you for making us real­
ize that we are to be teachers in the World TomorrQw and what all
that entails. I had never really thought about it in the way you
brought it out in this special article. I guess I needed an extra
boost to get me going and really stir me up. You have been doing
a great job, Mr. Armstrong. Please keep it up.
B.M. (Monona, IA)
Thank you for the special edition of THE WORLDWIDE NEWS on the
history of the Philadelphia era of the Church.
It gives me
renewed strength to read why we have so many trials. Thanks
again, and keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to receiv­
ing your book, MYSTERY OF THE AGES.
O.M. (Texarkana, AR)
I must say that I am very much shook up over THE WORLDWIDE NEWS
article on the recent history of the Philadelphia era of the
Church, which covers most of the time my wife, daughter, son and
I have been in the Church. Then yesterday, we had a taped sermon
from Mr. Hulme on liberalism. What eye-openers the tape and spe­
cial edition are! They have me shaking in my boots! I am shocked
at myself to know how liberal I was--I must repent and change. I
do thank you very much and keep up the great work!
Mr. & Mrs. T.W. (Address Unavailable)
Thank you for the special edition of THE WORLDWIDE NEWS about the
history of the Church. It was very helpful. Thank you for always
reminding us that the Church is a school teaching us so that we
can become teachers and rulers in God's Kingdom.
Mr. & Mrs. C.H. (Lewis, IN)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center