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S REPORT, JULY 26, 1985
Several new television stations were also added in Canada during June.
They include: CHEX in Peterborough; CKWS in Kingston; CICC in Yorkton; CFCF
in Montreal (now airing two times); CFCN in Calgary (will be replacing
CFAC); and KVOS of Bellingham, Washington, which can also be received in
Vancouver. In addition to the new stations, we were able to secure better
times for some of our other stations as a result of stations dropped by
another TV evangelist.
From Mr. Stan Bass BBDO/West, the agency that represents the Church in its
purchasing of broadcast media, has now become directly responsible for the
Caribbean region's media buying. Previously, Caravetta Allen Kimbrough of
Miami, Florida, an affiliate of BBDO/West, had made all Caribbean pur­
In Barbados we have a new radio station, Voice of Barbados. This is a
20,000 watt AM station that also covers several of the neighboring islands.
We have cancelled BBS, an FM station in Barbados, because of its limited
Victor and Grace Simpson have returned to Barbados, their homeland, to
pastor the church there. The former pastor, Arnold Hampton, and his wife
Ann have been transferred to the Chicago Southside church. Clifton Charles
will assume responsibilities as pastor of the Trinidad and Tobago churches.
Lincoln and Elizabeth Jailal are moving back to Trinidad, which is their
native home.
Local church elder Charles Lowe and his wife Jean will be going to Ambas­
sador College for at least a year of college training before returning to
Barbados to bolster the ministry there.
--Joseph Tkach, Ministerial Services
July Direct Mail Promotion Sets New Response Record
Another milestone in the work of God's Church! On July 1, two million let­
ters from Mr. Armstrong offering a one-year subscription to The PLAIN TRUTH
magazine were mailed to American homes. In the first 22 days, we have
received over 132,000 requests for subscriptions. This surpasses the all­
time record of 110,000 new subscribers set by the April U.S. READER'S
Responses are still coming in and are exceeding our expectations. We had
predicted an 8.55% response to this mailing. At this point, it appears the
response could reach up to 10% or more.
Outside consultants have told us that a 6% response to this type of mailing
would be excellent. Our responses normally range between 7-10%. This is a
superb response, indicating how richly God is blessing this program.
Even more encouraging is the fact that 47% of PT subscribers added by direct
mail renew their subscription at the end of one year. This is the highest
renewal rate for any media. It indicates that these people knew what they
were subscribing to, liked it, and found it very helpful. Renewal rates are
a barometer of the honesty of the original offer and the realization of the
benefits that the reader receives from the editorial content of the maga-
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services