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of faith, that Jesus Christ is the Head of this Church, and we've got
to do that and ask Him to sort things out':""
Ask God to guide Mr. Armstrong's mind and to give him understanding
and knowledge and insight and spiritual discernment to grasp the atti­
tudes of all those around him with whom he is dealing, and to see who
is truly a man of God and who is not, and who ought to be in this or
that or some other job, and to do it sincerely and to do it humbly.
Ask God in heaven to guide his mind and inspire him and lead him and to
give him wisdom and judgment and foresight and vision and big-minded­
ness to see the big picture as God would want him to.
Brethren, Christ is to be the head of the Church in every way. He is
to be the head of the Church in regard to the Church administration.
He is to be the head of the Church in regard to publishing, to be the
head in regard to our data processing, and the editorial, and to be the
head in media, and to be the head in the YOU programs, and the YES
programs, and every other program we have in Ambassador College, as I
said, and all the rest of it. Christ is to be the head of His Church
and of the work of His Church. And we are to ask Him and should ask
Him now more than ever to intervene and to guide and lead and inspire
and al� to sort out.
I ask your prayers for me, for Mr. McNair, for Mr. LaRavia, for Mr.
Helge, for Mr. Rader, and certainly for Mr. Herbert Armstrong. Pray
for our area coordinators and the other leading men in the Church
here--the evangelists hnd pastors and the teachers in the college,
and all the other men, the fine men in publishing and editorial and
those in the rest of the Work.
"He /Christ/ gave some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some
pastors and teachers" (Eph. 4:11). He put them in the Church. That's
His doing. That's the government of God.
What are your tithes and offerings being spent for, basically? And
they are. I don't want any smart guy thinking otherwise, they are.
The vast overwhelming majority of your tithes and offerings are and
have been spent on radio, TV time, publishing, and doing the Work
of God.
The big thiagthat we're paying for and that our prayers are for is
proclaiming; ••- coming Kingdom or government of God. That's the whole
nt from the top down. And God has put officers in that
government, .. .
apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors
and teacherl� We are to think about the government of God and submit
to the government of God. And if we can't do that now, and be to­
gether and recognize that government, we're total misfits to be in the
Kingdom of God tomorrow.
And so brethren, be careful not to be tossed to and fro by conflicting
doctrines and conflicting ideas, or even conflicting rumors, and let
those things take you away from the basic thing which this Church has
been doing, and is doing, and I pray and I do believe we'll continue
doing more effectively, and more powerfully than ever after this
cleansing and purging we've been getting this past year.