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know that. We are going through what is probably the greatest test
of this Work so far. We may have said that before. And at previous
occasions we have had "the greatest test," perhaps back in 1972, and
then we had "the greatest test" in 1974. But because of the cumulative
upset and problems, this is indeed an even greater test. But we should
thank God for the trials!
We do need to keep things in perspective though, and recognize that our
trials are not those of Peter and Paul, who were beaten, who had their
clothes jerked off of them and lashed with a cat-o'-nine-tails so that
the hide was torn right off their backs. I don't think we've had that
kind of trials yet! Our trials are a little different.
In Matthew 24:8, Jesus describes the trials, in a sense, the punish­
ments and the plagues that are going to be brought on the world at the
time of the end. He talks about wars and world wars, famines, pesti­
lences, earthquakes in different places. And Jesus said, all these
are the beginning of sorrows. "Then shall they deliver you up to be
afflicted /during this period of time/, and shall kill you: and you
shall be hated of all nations for my-name's sake. And then /at this
very time when these things begin to occur and these things are in
process of happening_/...and then shall many be offended, and shall
betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets
shall rise, and shall deceive many."
There is not an attitude of submission to authority in our society.
It is the most judgmental and rebellious attitude that perhaps
has ever existed in the American society up until this day. It is an
attitude that will drastically change after our people are brought down
and are starving to death in concentration camps.
But we've got to have our attitudes changed here and now and try not
to let that attitude or spirit of rebellion enter our minds.
Jesus said, "But he that shall endure to the end, the same shall be
saved." We didn't really know what that meant ten years ago, but we've
been learning, haven't we? We do have to endure to the end. But most
of us haven't had too many bloody trials yet. We're grateful for that.
Back in Colossians 1:18 Christ is described as our living and our active
head. And brethren, again, it's so easy to get our minds off that. I
saw back in '71 and '72 when certain things happened that some people
who were weak or had a lot of problems, left at that particular point.
(It seems like God is sorting things out). And then in '74 certain
things happened and it became obvious that God was trying us and sorting
us out, and as you look back, you can see that those whose hearts were
right and those who didn't have an attitude that"I want things the way
I want them and I want them right now,"that are genuinely humble and
patient and walking in the fear of God -- they're still with us. And
they will continue to be with us, and nothing will shake them.
I pray and I hope all of you will pray fervently. Let's keep our minds
on the real leadership. The real leadership is not Herbert Armstrong,
the real leadership is not anyone of us here today or anywhere else on
earth humanly, but the REAL LEADERSHIP IS JESUS CHRIST! And we've got
to have confidence in that and really believe that. That's an article