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We budgeted for a 12% increase in income, but have unfortunately had a minus
percentage since December of last year. A turnaround began during Mr. Arm­
strong's visit to Munich in the middle of May. The month of June has now
brought us a healthy 21.2% increase in income, putting us at a minus 1.8%
for the year to date. Before this we had been as low as minus 8% for the
year to date, which was 20% below budget. We hope this present upward trend
continues and would appreciate everyone's prayers that it will.
From Mr. Frank Brown Because of the combined July-August issue of The PLAIN
TRUTH, we have no new circulation figures to report for June, but we have
good news on income. Our mail income for this month was up 23% compared to
June, 1984, bringing the year-to-date increase to 12.5%. This is a very en­
couraging trend, especially since June has traditionally been one of the
lower months for income.
A total of 16,355 booklet requests have been received from U.K. readers in
response to Mr. Armstrong's semiannual letter. This is a 17.1% response
less than three weeks after the mailing date. We expect this response to go
even higher. The total requests received to date from all areas adminis­
tered from here is just under 20,000.
This was the busiest month for the Mail Processing Centre in several years.
Almost 51,000 pieces of mail were processed during June.
U.K. mail
amounte� to just under 30,000, a 91% increase over June, 1984, bringing the
year-to-date increase to 12.6%.
Responses to our two million Scandinavian leaflets are now coming in.
These four-colour leaflets offering The PLAIN TRUTH in either the English
or Norwegian language, were inserted into six of Scandinavia's most re­
spected journals. Nearly 8,000 replies have been received and they . are
still coming in.
A special conference was held at Elstree House from the 1st through 4th of
July to discuss the work of the Church in Africa. Messrs. Lateef Edalere,
Owen Willis, Josef Forson, Elijah Chukwudi, Steve Le Blanc, Ben Kaswaga,
Greg Albrecht and Melvin Rhodes attended, as well as Mr. Stirk and myself.
The conference was very successful in establishing mutual understanding and
building strong working relationships between relevant offices in the
United Kingdom and Africa.
A presentation was made by each of the three African offices describing
their work over the last three years, and their plans for the future. There
was also a presentation on Mail Processing and Postal Services in the U.K.,
followed by a question-and-answer period during which procedures were clar­
Plans for the Feast of Tabernacles were discussed, not only for this year,
but also long-term plans. Mr. Meakin gave a presentation on SEP and YOU
activities and Mr. Greg Albrecht gave a talk on Ambassador College, discus­
sing how African students can best be helped.
For relaxation, a trip to the theatre in London was arranged, and on the
evening of the 4th of July all the visitors and some staff members from
Elstree House enjoyed a barbecue at my home, basking in warm English sun­
--Joseph Tkach, Ministerial Services