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International News
From Mr. Frank Schnee At the beginning of June, the Jerusalem Dig students,
accompanied by Mr. Larry Salyer and his family, Mr. & Mrs. Dick Thompson and
group leader Richard Paige, arrived in Bonn. The group spent three days
here, where they were able to tour the city and the Parliament. They also
had a tour of the Bonn office, and on the Sabbath went to services in
Dusseldorf, where Mr. Paige gave the sermonette and Mr. Salyer the sermon.
Also at the beginning of June, Office Manager John Karlson and his as­
sistant Wade Fransson traveled to Czechoslovakia and Poland to work out
final arrangements for the Feast sites in Brno and Krakow. Accompanying
them to Brno were festival elder Winfried Fritz and church member Heinz
Mr. Karlson mentioned that the Cedok officials really ap­
preciated Mr. Armstrong's trip to Prague in April and that they were very
impressed with his visit. From Brno Mr. Karlson and Mr. Franssen traveled
to Poland for meetings in Warsaw and Krakow. Mr. Fransson noted that they
were received very warmly by the officials of the government tourist agency
Orbis, and that it is obvious God has put us in contact with the right
people to work with in organizing the Feast in Krakow.
On Friday, June 14, Mr. Ralph Helge of our Legal Department in Pasadena ar­
rived in Bonn with his wife and two children while on their tour of the
European offices. On the Sabbath Mr. Helge brought us a very inspiring ser­
mon detailing the 1979 attempt of the State of Ca�ifornia to take over the
Church. The members were very happy to·hear a tho�ough explanation of what
went on at that time and were reminded that it is God who allows trials to
happen and that we must remain loyal when even greater trials come in the
On Sunday, June 16, Mr. Don Patrick and Miss Peggy Warkentin from Publish­
ing Services in Pasadena came to Bonn to begin the installation of our new
Bedford Meteor 3000 Pagination Station. With this specialized typesetting
computer, we will eventually be able to prepare translated PLAIN TRUTH,
GOOD NEWS or booklet manuscripts in genuine typeset form and fit the mate­
rial into a preset layout. This will then be sent to Pasadena via telephone
line where the material will be run through the typesetter and films made
for printing. The purpose in installing the typesetting computers in the
foreign offices is to be able to reduce the time it takes to prepare the
magazine and therefore allow us to be even more up to date. Miss Warkentin
has been sent by Pasadena to train personnel on our staff to operate the
Bedford system. We will start out by first doing galleys and then full-page
At the end of the month the final meeting of the East German Spokesman Club
was held in Dresden, East Germany. Members from the West also attended as
guests, as well as four Ambassador College students participating in the
German summer program.
In June the German PLAIN TRUTH subscription list stood at 85,707. The Ger­
man GOOD NEWS list has been gaining subscribers rapidly due to offers in the
PLAIN TRUTH for The GOOD NEWS magazine. The German GOOD NEWS circulation
now stands at 21,177, 71% over June of 1984.