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free by their pastor to bring serious matters of concern to him, in a godly
attitude of respect, humility and sincere desire to help. We cannot become
so rank conscious that everyone under us is afraid to br�ng a problem to us,
or to respectfully point out an error, or make a suggestion. Love cannot be
perfected in fear.
Also remember that in situations where another minister is truly watering
down doctrine, or sowing seeds of discord, or causing division, you have an
absolute obligation to notify Headquarters so it can be stopped. Then we
can also begin helping the individual himself to come to repentance.
In Hebrews 3:14 Paul says, "For we have become partakers of Christ if we
hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end." We must endure
to the end. Let's bear one another's burdens through prayer, encouragement
and wholehearted support. Let's let "iron sharpening iron" be a living
principle in our lives.
Thanks again to each of you wives. Your support and encouragement is truly
of supreme value to your husband's ministry. God made you a help. Realize
that Satan would also like to get at God's people through you. So stay
close to God.
You ministers, be sure each of you is giving your wife the encouragement and
support she needs, reminding her always of how much you love her, and how
important and valuable she is to you and your ministry. Your wife is 50% of
your ministry, as Mr. Armstrong has so often said. Cultivate and strength­
en that 50%. Be sure you are setting a right example spiritually for her,
and providing the kind of peaceful home environment that encourages enthu­
siastic growth.
Keep up the good work! Pray daily for Mr. Armstrong and the work God has
given him to do. I know he prays daily for all of you.
Booking Festival Housing From Approved Establishments
Certain housing establishments not being used by the Church have
recently sent letters to Church members, soliciting business for
the Feast of Tabernacles. If you received one of these letters,
please ignore it and book your housing only at housing establish­
ments listed in the 1985 FESTIVAL PLANNER.
Also, some property management companies have offered members re­
servations at locations not listed in the FESTIVAL PLANNER.
Please do not accept these offers. If the office you call has no
vacancies at an approved property, please call another establish­
ment listed in the FESTIVAL PLANNER.
Your cooperation is very important in our efforts to obtain bet­
ter facilities and rates for next year's Feast.