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the years. And it is happening today, and will no doubt continue to happen
until Christ returns.
Now notice what Paul says in verse 13, "But exhort one another daily, while
it is called 'Today,' lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness
of sin." Paul is making two points. One is to listen to such constructive
exhortation before it is too late. The other is to offer spiritual help to
one another before it's too late--before a problem becomes so big that it
takes us out of the Body of Christ. As Paul said here, sin is deceitful.
And as time passes it hardens us. We can come to the place where we won't
even listen to a fellow minister's concerned exhortation.
How often has it happened that a minister had a problem that was very ob­
vious to neighboring pastors, but nobody ever had the courage to talk di­
rectly to him about it? Consequently, so much time was allowed to pass that
the man became "hardened through the deceitfulness of sin." The neighbor­
ing pastors failed to do the good that was within their ability!
We've had ministers, as Mr. Armstrong explained again in his recent WN ar­
ticle, who began to water down doctrine or to compromise with God's Word and
eventually left God's Church. How many neighboring pastors had the courage
and godly confidence to follow God's instruction to go to them about it?
Many did. And sometimes they suffered for it. But didn't Paul also say,
"Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecu­
tion" {II Tim. 3:12)? And what about the times when a concerned reminder or
exhortation from a fellow minister helped one to diligently seek God and
make the nece�sary changes to thwart Satan's attack? Remember that regard­
less of the situation, God's way always works, and always works best!
Why do we so often fail to follow Paul's instruction in Hebrews 3? Do we
think: Oh, he won't listen anyway, so why should I bother? But in Matthew
18:15, Christ said that if you bring a matter to your brother and he hears
you, you have gained your brother. {See also James 5:19-20.) But what if
he doesn't hear you? At least you have fulfilled your obligation. You have
followed the instruction God has given you. And besides, the seed you plant
may take root sometime much later. The real question is, do you love your
brother? If you do, you will desire to help him before it is too late.
The tendency to let down, to liberalize God's Law, to become permissive, is
within us all. Sometimes we need a gentle, loving "kick in the seat of the
pants" to bring us to our senses! And, in fact, we should always be praying
for correction and help to grow and improve. Sometimes, help from a fellow
minister is the answer to that prayer.
Let's continually pray for one another. But let's also realize that there
is a time when God expects us to "exhort one another." Sometimes love means
doing the distasteful thing. We cannot afford to be afraid to point out an
obvious problem to a fellow minister.
{We are not to be watchdogs over
neighboring pastors either, and any such matter should be taken to God in
prayer first, seeking a humble and contrite spirit, to have the right atti­
tude of sincerely desiring to help our fellow pastor.)
Work at helping, encouraging, supporting and strengthening one another.
And be willing to listen to one another in a humble attitude. Even associ­
ate or assistant pastors, and local church elders, should be made to feel