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I was also worried that I might be destined to burn eternally in
hell fire. However, articles in The PLAIN TRUTH have shown me
otherwise. For the rest of my life I'll be thankful for all your
literature, especially the book about sex.
K.D. (Cincinnati, OH)
I just finished reading THE MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX. God surely
must have guided your hand in putting such a book together. I
have worked for a doctor, but nowhere in his library of medical
books have I ever seen anything to compare with your book.
It is fabulous the way you keep tying the facts to the Bible. My
husband and I reared three wonderful girls, whom we kept in
church, but it was·very difficult to present the facts of life to
them without embarrassing ourselves. We now have seven grand­
children, three already married, but know they would treasure
your book, and find it so helpful in rearing their families. I
was also thinking how great it would be to have your book taught
in our schools. Of course, I feel "home" is a better place to
teach sex.
Mrs. G.F. (Mt. Vernon, IL)
--Richard Rice� Mail Processing Center
people is whipsawed from one national or world crisis to the next. The hos­
tage situation, for ins�ance, continues to dominate American national news.
In addition, each local area or region supplies a news story or two that
fights the national news for copy space. In Southern California, for ex­
ample, the big story, running for days now, concerns the rising death toll
(presently at 46) among those who have eaten cheese contaminated with food­
poison-producing bacteria from a local cheese maker. Given the blow-by­
blow nature of most news reporting, it's no wonder that most people fail to
notice, and if they notice, fail to comprehend, news items (and more impor­
tantly, trends) of a far more significant nature.
Such a development was presented in the June 26, 1985 WALL STREET JOURNAL
article titled "Pope Looks East in Search for European Unity." It was
submitted to the WSJ by Roberto Formigoni, an Italian member of the
European Parliament. Mr. Formigoni is chairman of the EP's Political Com­
mission. Here are key excerpts:
Next month the Vatican's secretary of state, Agostino Cardinal
Casaroli, will represent Pope John Paul II in Czechoslovakia and
Yugoslavia at celebrations marking the l,lOOth anniversary of the
death of St. Methodius. Earlier this year, the pope had desig­
nated St. Methodius and his brother, St.·Cyril, as patron saints
of Europe. The symbolic importance being attached to this choice
of two missionaries to the Slavic peoples highlights the pope's
vision of� united Europe.
The brothers Cyril and Methodius are responsible for bringing
Christianity to what is now Eastern Europe. When the pope desig­
nated them as patron saints of Europe, alongside $t. Benedict,