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Many have genuinely appreciated THE MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX. Parents of­
ten request it to help properly educate their children. People preparing
to marry are especially thankful to have the correct understanding about
the purpose of marriage. Older people often mention that they wish such a
book had been available in their younger years. Following are some letters
from readers of the book:
Of all the articles and booklets that I have read from The PLAIN
TRUTH, The GOOD NEWS, Worldwide Church of God and Mr. Armstrong,
none equals THE MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX. Not only is it well
written, but it is plainly and simply put forth, and supplied
with scriptural references to support the points it teaches. I
have received more understanding from this one book than I have
from all the others combined. I heartily recommend it to anyone
desiring down-to-earth truth in everyday language.
H.W. (Roanoke, VA)
I'm fifteen years old and one of the many subscribers to your
magazine YOUTH 85. Not long ago, my parents found out that I was
dishonestly meeting my boyfriend without their permission. My
parents don't allow me to date yet and they were quite disap­
pointed with my behavior, although my dad was very understanding
and gave me your book THE MISSING DIMENSION IN SEX to read.
I can't express my sincere gratitude after I read your book.
Thank you for writing and publishing such a fine book. I have
changed drastically since I read it. I not only have some high
goals set for myself, but I also have developed a lot of strong
values, which I never had before•.
Your book answered every question I had on the subject and made
me aware of how God wants teens to act while dating. It also
changed my ideas and life for the better. I rank your book as one
of the most valuable possessions a teenager could have. I be­
lieve that if every teenager read your book, there would be abso­
lutely no unwed teenage pregnancies nor any misinformed teenagers
dealing with the topic of sex, and more teenage virgins.
strongly feel that every teenager should read your book.
Again, I'd like to thank you for doing such very excellent work
on your book and for changing my life in a way that God would
Teenager (Crowley, LA)
I just wanted to tell you that your book about sex gave me new en­
couragement to have a positive attitude towards myself. Because
of•••doctrines that I had assumed to be true, I thought that just
because I had certain sexual desires dwelling in me, that I was
doomed to a miserable life trying to live God's way, and that He
had a very low opinion toward me.
Therefore, I had a very low opinion of myself and was troubled
for many years. Now I know that humans were given the sexual
senses for a purpose and that the proper uses of those senses are
what is important to God.