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his home in Sicily. He will continue to translate TV scripts and look after
donation mail, as well as supervise the mailing of the PV in Italy.
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program III
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Greetings from Zimbabwe! We arrived back here safely on the 11th
and were immediately plunged into Sabbath services, counselling,
clubs and Pentecost! It's good to be back!
My wife Glen and I would like to thank you and all those whose
contribution to the MRP has made it such an outstanding success.
We were privileged to attend the MRP for the first time nearly
two years ago, and the programme was very fine then--but this
year we thought it was doubly as good!
Like the Feast, it really does get better--and it places a
commensurate responsibility upon us to derive the maximum benefit
from all that is given and to share it abundantly with our flock.
Truly, God's government is mightily in action, for as God gives
to Mr. Armstrong so he gives to us and we to the flock (Matt.
10:8) •
We determined to get to know as many of the ministers and their
wives as we could, as well as members in Pasadena and the admin­
istration, students and faculty of the College. We were thrilled
to have the opportunity to hear top quality music in the most
beautiful Auditorium in the world, to attend the 1985 annual
field day, and to hear the Imperial Schools' choir give a really
fine performance for the visiting ministers. We were delighted
by the immaculate service rendered by the students serving us at
the club dinners. Coming from an area where one only sees other
ministers about once a year at the regional conference in Cape
Town (itself a wonderful privilege), we are all the more appre­
ciative of the effort that everyone at Headquarters is mak­
ing--and year round too!--for God's people.
We are very mindful of the urgent need to put more full-time min­
isters into the field, knowing there are many trained and ready
to go, but that funds are needed to hire them. Now is the time
for fervent prayer and urgent petitions before our Great Creator
and Ruler. We are inspired, filled with new zeal, certain of our
role, determined in our objectives and thoroughly equipped to
fulfill our calling--thanks to the Mighty God who moves His
Church through Mr. Armstrong and everyone at Headquarters. Keep
up the momentum, knowing that our prayers are behind you 100%, as
in unity of Spirit we accomplish our commission.
Bill and Glen Bentley