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Semiannual Letter Draws Many Interesting Comments
Over 207,000 subscribers, or 9.1%, have responded to the semiannual letter
thus far. Although this is an average response, we have been receiving a
much higher than usual number of comments.
Many subscribers were enlightened by how clearly and logically Mr. Arm­
strong explained the overall plan and goals of Communism. Many said they
had never been given such a complete picture before. A number lamented the
fact that most Americans do not understand the threat posed by Communism
today. Following are some of the comments we received:
Thank you for your letter of May 6, presenting so clearly and ac­
curately the posture and purpose of Communism, and the ominous
penetration of our southern neighbors. It is frustratingly true
that most Americans seem unaware of the methodology of the Com­
munist master plan. You have a wonderful talent for saying the
pertinent facts so clearly and concisely--to so great an audi­
ence. I pray each one will have heard you.
J.M. (Cherry Valley, CA)
I've just returned from a five-week tour of Europe and can't un­
derstand why those people can't see the handwriting on the wall.
While we [ the U.S. ] are trying to hold back Communism, the rest
of the free countries-are just standing by and even demonstrating
against us. Russia sure has a lot of people in the world brain­
B.B. (Sierra Vista, AZ)
I want to thank you for that fine letter dated May 6, on troubles
in America, especially your thoughts on the Communist threat.
I'm so glad you and your organization are wide awake on this!
C.M. (Syracuse, IN)
As I reread and analyze your May 6 letter to PLAIN TRUTH sub­
scribers, I become more and more aware of the phenomenal insight
you have into what is taking place in this world. Your analysis
of the motivations and methods of Communists; your perception of
what is, and will, happen in Central America and Korea; how all
this will help bring about the prophesied United Europe; and your
awareness of the fast-developing trade war.
All of these things come to us in bits and pieces through the
world news media, but you and your staff put it all together so
that we can see the whole picture. Not only do you give us the
whole picture, you make it come alive and then tie it in to Bible
prophecy in such a way that only those who do not want to see
could possibly deny the "plain truth" of it all.
R.C. (Eugene, OR)
Your most recent letter gave us a real view of world trends and a
possible future outcome. The outcome is not in doubt, and it
certainly seems that current events are leading to the tribula­