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As a result of this offer, additional visit requests have been coming in.
In the past year, church attendance has increased by 10% and membership by
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From Australia
MELBOURNE (NORTH), VIC--GAVIN CULLEN: It was very inspiring to
hear from Mr. Armstrong again. His sermons are always very en­
couraging even when he corrects us. Many of the brethren com­
mented on how they look forward to hearing from Mr. Armstrong via
the tapes that are sent out.
MELBOURNE (EAST), VIC--BILL BRADFORD: This month saw an increase
in PM activity. We are definitely starting to get more inquiries
about church and Feast attendance. A significant number of these
contacts are people who have been visited years ago by one of our
ministers or have been reading our literature for over a decade.
As some have expressed it more than once, "It seems I had an
urgency to begin to do something about what I knew was right all
MELBOURNE (SOUTH), VIC--KEN LEWIS: Had an increase in new con­
tacts this last month and they are proving more fruitful than
most new contacts in the last few years.
MT. GAMBIER, SA--KARL KARLOV: I propose to start an informal in­
house monthly study at Hamilton to serve three western Ballarat
and Mt. Gambier church families, who are presently unable to
attend evening studies.
ADELAIDE, SA--KERRY GUBB: PLAIN TRUTH newsstands are doing so
well here, they're causing traffic congestion at the main central
railway station. This is a mixed blessing, since the railway
authorities are wanting us to do something about it!
--Joseph Tkach, Ministerial Services
Incoming Mail Continues to Increase at Record-breaking Pace
Incoming mail shows an excellent increase over 1984, which itself was an
outstanding year. Through the first week of June, we received 2.6 million
pieces of mail. This is a 30% increase over last year's count for the same
period. It also represents an average of more than 17,000 pieces per day.
Nearly all categories of mail have increased substantially. We have had
very good responses to offers for The GOOD NEWS magazine and PLAIN TRUTH
renewals. The April READER'S DIGEST ad alone brought in over 100,000 re­
Our letters and cards are picked up from the post office in trays, which are
about 2� feet long (.75 meter) and hold 800 to 1,000 items. Recently, our
daily tray counts have run as high as 20 to 30. On Monday mornings, the
weekend's mail has ranged from SO to 90 trays. Just two years ago, these
counts averaged only about half of what they do now.