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storm, he was able to receive only one radio station, and it happened to be
airing "The WORLD TOMORROW" at that time. Following are several additional
experiences people have related to us:
The first time I read your magazine was when a lady was about to
discard it. Well, I'll tell you it was a lucky day for me. I im­
mediately subscribed and am happy that I did. Many myths and
misconceptions have been cleared up. May God continue to bless
you and your staff.
Ms • M.W.. (Chicago , IL)
I am a Nigerian. I first saw a PLAIN TRUTH magazine in my little
village of Oduoha-Ogbakiri in 1966 during the Nigerian crisis. I
was only 14 years old then. When I asked the boy who was holding
the magazine how he got such an American magazine, he told me it
was free. I didn't bother any further. Then in 1981 I was in
Paris taking a course when I saw another issue of The PLAIN
TRUTH. I was surprised it was not extinct like other magazines,
and on my return to Nigeria I placed an order for the magazine.
E.O. (Muncie, IN)
Before reading your magazine, I had read the Bible four times and
studied the doctrines of several different denominations. The
Bible never did make any sense to me. I found fault in the be­
liefs of every church I attended and I was left with a lot of un­
answered questions.
I was about ready to give up when I came across a copy of The
PLAIN TRUTH while cleaning up a shopping center parking lot. I
was amazed at what I read. Although I had many questions, I kept
them all to myself while I ordered booklets and magazines and en­
rolled in your Bible correspondence course. During the course of
my studies I've read the Bible again. My answers were always
there, right in my own Biblel
D.W. (Middletown, OH)
I have always believed in God and I believe that Jesus Christ was
crucified to save us from damnation, but I have never understood
this. I was taught that I didn't need to understand; I just
needed to believe. I tried to understand by reading the Bible.
But reading the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi proved to
be more confusing.
Unable to get any clearer picture from clergymen, I turned to
God. I prayed for a better understanding. The very next day I
woke up and turned on the television and "The WORLD TOMORROW" was
on. Now with the help of your Bible correspondence course, I am
learning more of God every day. I thank God for answering my
prayers and I thank you for enlightening not only me but also my
P.M. (Pearsall, TX)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center