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heard the program, he would have to admit Mr. Armstrong is right.
He thoroughly thrashed out this controversial subject and showed
the right answer.
(Staten Island, NY)
I was very impressed with the program. I know a girl who is 14
and planning to get an abortion. I want a copy of your publica­
tion to give to her. I hope the article will impress upon her the
fact that she is carrying a child!
P.D. (Mt. Holly, NJ)
It was a great awakening! I was always taught the opposite in my
church. I thought you could sin again and again and you would be
forgiven continually. I didn't realize I had to stop sinning. I
like the way Mr. Armstrong explained the tree of life. I was
really interested in the subject of being "born again."
F.G. (Columbus, OH)
This program really got to me 1
This is so important 1 Here I
thought I was born again, but I am certainly notl I'm going to
have to read that booklet over and over again!
W.A. (Sunnyvale, CA)
I watched Mr. Armstrong this morning. I phoned in because I want
to find out whether or not I am "born again." I think I am, but
I'm not sure. I've watched Mr. Armstrong before, but not as in­
tently as I did this morning--usually I am preoccupied. Today I
concentrated on what he said. He simplified things I couldn't
understand before. What he said about abortion is very true.
B.B. (Hollywood, FL)
I like everything Mr. Armstrong has brought forth but I didn't
quite agree with today's program. The population increase is
staggering--he seems to overlook the fact of the population ex­
K.M. (Walnut Creek, CA)
Gospel Reaches People in Unique Ways
Sometimes God works in mysterious ways to bring the Gospel to people's at.
tention. Some of the circumstances are quite unusual. For example, people
have found PLAIN TRUTHs on their desks or doorsteps, without knowing how
they got there. Some have found our literature in trash cans, or lying in
the street. One woman was even struck by a windblown PLAIN TRUTH, which she
carried home.
The telecast is often discovered by chance or accident. Some were merely
switching channels and came across the telecast. One person fell asleep
one night with the TV on and awoke the next morning to "The WORLD TOMORROW"
In a few interesting cases, people seemed to have no other choice than to
hear or see the Gospel. One man was monitoring the telecast as it was being
taped for satellite transmission. Another found that during an electrical