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work as closely as possible with all of you, and as circumstances permit
I'll try to accept whatever invitations I can, without neglecting any
aspect of the Work under my charge as I assist Mr. Armstrong in the duties
of Pastoral Administration internationally.
Unfortunately, there are times when I just can't make it out there
because of the many demanding activities here at Headquarters. The "spirit
is definitely willing," but it isn't always possible to travel and visit
as I'd like. But, I promise I'll keep on trying.
At the risk of appearing repetitious, I do want to again express my
personal gratitude for the encouraging example set by so many of you through
the various trials, traumas and problems that have come our way over the
past few months. Your faith, common sense, courage and commitment to this
Work of God will not go unnoticed by God who is very much aware of our
reactions and attitudes, when we're under pressure or when difficult times
come. Only God knows our hearts and it is He who will some day recognize
and evaluate the fruits of our lives and we will be rewarded accordingly.
Thanks again for your letters and memos. I look forward to talking
with all of you somewhere along the line. Warmest regards to your wives,
families and the brethren in your local area.
Sincerely, in Jesus' name,
C. Wayne Cole
Mail Summary: Mail for this December is exceptional. Although our mail
�ount for the year is down slightly when compared with last year, mail
for the month is� 57%! Many things are contributing to this good mail
flow: renewals to The PLAIN TRUTH are coming in at about 2,000 a day;
requests for Mr. Armstrong's book, The Incredible Human Potential, have
come in very well; and other mailings to subscribers are producing a good
response -- which all adds up to keeping MPC employees very busy. Mail
for the year now stands at about 1,766,000 pieces.
"Modern Romans" TV Spot Ad Still Proving Fruitful: Last month we mentioned
some of the good results which have come from the series of "Modern Romans"
TV spot commercials which were run during last summer. As it happens, there
is still more good news to report:
The first two new members resulting from these commercials were recently
baptized! As far as we know, these two new people had no knowledge of the
Church or our Work until they heard the "Modern Romans" spot ad. And,
although only a few months time has elapsed during which they could read
The PLAIN TRUTH and other biblical literature, they apparently soon came
to see where God is working, were convicted by God's Spirit, and were
baptized. Even though the numbers are not large to begin with, this is
still good fruit.
Twenty-one new Co-workers have also resulted from the "Modern Romans"
commercials. And the original count of 98 Donors has now grown to 268.
The PLAIN TRUTH response has also been excellent. Over 20% of all the
people who came on file through these spot ads have responded to request