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Therefore, each and every person who has or does receive a .letter
1or telephone call or any other type of communication, from GTA,
or any of his associates, making accusations. against God's Church
is now being asked to forward the following information regarding
the matter to the Church's Legal Office:·
Please include the approximate date of the communications,
who was involved in the- communication, and exactly what was
said. If the communication was· in writing or taped, please
forward a copy.
If it would appear that some of the brethren are likely to fall
away by virtue of certain false and vile accusations, and that
simply refuting them will not appear likely to prevent this injury,
then with this information appropriate action can and will be taken.
So there is no misunderstanding brethren, it must be understood
that if legal action is taken, it is not for the purpose of vengeance
but simply to discharge the Church's duty to preserve the flock.
Further, if the issues were only matters of doctrine, then it would
be left to the ministry to carry out one of their primary duties
to protect the flock by refuting and stopping the mouth of the gain­
This reporting requirement should be considered as being in addition
to any other reporting obligation to any other person or department
you may have presently.
Dear Fellow Ministers:
Stanley R. Rader
Ralph K. Helge
Greetings from cool, rainy Southern California. Our weather has been
terribly wet for the past several days, but I know that most of you would
consider that a vast improvement over the bitter cold and major snowfalls
that have been the lot of so many in the western, central and northern
parts of the U.S.A. and Canada. Hopefully, most of you will be able to
thaw out a little during the coming January conference.
I am sure that the ministerial conference is very much on everyone's
mind at this point, and most of your travel plans have already been
finalized. I again want to encourage all of you to use the time we'll
be spending together to work on recapturing the camaraderie, the teamsman­
ship and the genuine brotherly love in the ministry we once had. If
enough of us want it and enough of us will practice that kind of mutual
esteem and respect towards each other, in addition to our driving devo­
tion and commitment to this Work, then we cannot fail in the task the
living Christ has given to us.
In the recent past, several of you have invited me to come into your
areas for a church visit, spending some time with the brethren and perhaps
getting together with the area ministers for meetings and a social activity
or two. I do want to express my sincere appreciation for all of these
invitations. It is my sincere hope and firmest intention to be able to