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Our booklets and other publications are leading people toward
positive changes and a new way of life. Several remarked how
they have received needed guidance with problems such as alcohol­
ism and marital difficulties. One individual said our material
had "fundamentally changed the course of my life." Another who
received some booklets while seriously ill said, "I will be a
different person when I return to my work place."
A woman who recently lost her mother wrote that our booklet LIFE
AFTER DEATH? had pulled her through it. Another said, "I'm still
with my pain and grief, but now I have a hope to see my beloved
husband at the resurrection."
Letters praising The PLAIN TRUTH came from people of all ages and
backgrounds. A retired public school administrator said he is
being "reeducated again." A teenager concluded that "it is the
ideal magazine for people of all ages, especially teenagers." An
elderly lady wrote, "I am alone. Your magazine is company to
me ••• like having a person in the house."
Several people came across The PLAIN TRUTH in unusual ways: "I
found [your magazine] in the trash. It's like a miracle! It's
what I've been looking for all my life!" Another reader was at­
tending a family reunion at a California restaurant when someone
in the party noticed a PLAIN TRUTH had been left on a nearby
chair. The family all shared and enjoyed the magazine and sever­
al now want subscriptions.
Many appreciate the childrearing series and consider the informa­
tion vital to their efforts as parents. One woman passed along a
few of the articles to her co-workers, many of whom have small
children or are expecting.
Mr. Armstrong's "Personals" drew the majority of comments this
month. Many people thanked him for helping them to solve their
personal problems.
Of the March "Personal--Let God Fight Your Battles," readers
wrote: "For years I've fought my own battles--not winning any.
It's good to know my battles are God's and He will win them for
me." "When I read the article, I realized God cared after all,
and was really answering my prayers." "I applied the principles
of the article and my problems diminished."
The Personal for April--"How Your Financial Future Is Determined"
inspired one man, among others, to pay his tithes immediately and
trust God to see him through. A week later, he wrote again and
confirmed that God had fulfilled His promise and that all his
needs had been met. Another man who was recently unemployed for
the second time in three years, said the article "struck home