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continued strength. Others state that they fir�ly believe and
are convinced that he is being inspired and used directly by God.
One reader admitted, "I have more faith in Mr. Armstrong than in
my own church!"
Several described personal changes in their lives, brought about
by their contact with God's apostle. For example, a former alco­
holic wrote, "I owe it all to you for starting me on the right
path again. Keep up the good work and maybe help another like
A mother wrote that both her 19-month-old baby and her friend's
15-month-old seem to recognize Mr. Armstrong and are excited when
they see his picture.
February Co-worker Letter
The February letter brought in the highest response in several
months and many exceptional comments. One co-worker said it was
"the most encouraging letter I've received." Others said they
were reminded of the approaching fulfillment of major prophecies,
and stirred to seek a closer relationship with God.
Many also mentioned they were eagerly looking forward to Mr.
Armstrong's new book MYSTERY OF THE AGES, and would pray for its
successful completion.
Members and co-workers often comment that these letters are a
eritical link between themselves and headquarters. They thank
Mr. Armstrong for taking time out of his busy schedule to write
Viewers continue -to recognize the truth Mr. Armstrong speaks.
One said, "I know deep down in my heart that he is telling the
Another added, "It's like seeing life for the first
time--finally everything makes sense."
We heard from several prisoners who enjoy the program. One said
that a group of inmates were discussing religious shows when the
telecast came on. But after a while, their attention was drawn
to what Mr. Armstrong was saying, and they watched the rest of
the program in silence.
The Young Ambassadors entertainment brought an enthusiastic
response. Many described it as delightful and uplifting. Some
said it was the best youth program they had ever seen. Several
requested videotapes of the telecast. Comments included: "The
smiling boys and girls indicated to us that they have found a way
of life that is just about ideal." "My little boy will soon be
three and he sat beside me and watched the entire program without
a sound." An elderly lady was so impressed with the telecast,
she called several neighbors to tell them it was on.