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minds to a new and deeper understanding of God's care and concern for them.
They were encouraged to put their trials into God's hands and to look to Him
for answers. Following are a few excerpts from these letters:
I have just finished reading your "Personal" article in the March
1985 issue of The GOOD NEWS entitled "Let God Fight Your Bat­
tles!" I'm presently facing some very frightening trials in my
life. After reading your article, I felt so inspired. I have de­
cided to put things in God's hands and let Him fight the battles,
and trust Him to give me the strength and wisdom to do my part. I
just wanted to write and thank you for that article, which has
helped my life so much.
B.L. (Kansas City, MO)
I recently finished reading your "Personal" in the March GOOD
NEWS and wanted to thank you. It showed me how much God desires
for us to live abundant, happy lives--even now!
Through Him
you've presented to us a way to have that joy and happiness.
Thanks! The article came right when I needed it!
P.W. (New Bern, NC)
Please extend my sincere thanks to Mr. Armstrong for his en­
couraging article "Let God Fight Your Battles!" I, too, had what
I thought were insurmountable problems, but after applying the
principles Mr. Armstrong gave, I found them greatly diminished.
This article was tremendously helpful to me, and I'm sure to many
other brethren as well.
Mrs. B.C. (Martinsburg, WV)
Thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for being the answer to my prayers.
Now, let me explain as best I can what I mean. Monday started out
no different from any other Monday--but since my day later seemed
endless and uneventful, I began to think about God. The usual
questions came to my mind--was God really real? If He was, did He
hear my prayers? How could I know God better? I also thought of
many other unanswered things about the God I hardly knew.
But today I just had to have some answers about my future•••• I
pleaded all day with God for some direction, guidance, and peace
of mind and spirit. Well, when I got home from work I found a
copy of your GOOD NEWS magazine had arrived. On the cover I no­
ticed the caption "Let God Fight Your Battles," and decided to
read it irrnnediately.
It wasn't until I got to the section entitled "Two Examples,"
that I knew this article was indeed meant for me. You see, the
lady in the first example was in the exact same situation that I
myself had faced. I felt as though I was at the end of my rope.
Then I read the last example and tears welled up inside as I real­
ized that God had cared after all. He had, indeed, answered my
Ms. P.J. (Carthage, MS)
I know I don't write often enough to let you know how much your
articles are appreciated. But I just had to write this time to
let you know what your "Personal," "Let God Fight Your Battles!,"